The Newest Nonsense of Climate Change Alarmists – IOTW Report

The Newest Nonsense of Climate Change Alarmists

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Lefties are having a really tough time with this global warming thing. For starters, they had to ditch the Global Warming label when they realized temperatures weren’t actually going up. Not only that, the warming that does take place is natural according to some studies. So, they changed their catchphrase to a much more dinner table friendly “Climate Change”.

But, that hasn’t been going well either thanks to faulty data and outrageous propaganda being peddled instead of actual facts. Now, we’ve got a new angle to push climate change alarmism. It’s causing car crashes and killing people!  more here

14 Comments on The Newest Nonsense of Climate Change Alarmists

  1. Don’t believe for one moment that the GlowBull Warming elitists are going to give up on the opportunity to create a cash cow with lies and deceit. It’s what they do.

  2. This morning at work I farted in the elevator. Mean sea level rise since that moment +0.4 feet. I want Al Gore to send me $5 million and I promise I will use Ex-Gas to curb my flatulence for the next 5 years.

    Hey if California will pay criminals not to commit crimes, then pay me not to fart and ruin the planet.

  3. Nobody is really stupid enough to believe in this Globaloney BullShit.
    Except the totally uninitiated (scientifically speaking).
    Most who can do rudimentary mathematics can see through the bullshit in a matter of minutes. Those who press it are making money off of it. Some, like Al Gore, are becoming fabulously richer. Some are simply satisfied with the “Monkey See; Monkey Do” go-along-to-be-one-of-the-kool-set of sycophantic head-bobbers.

    One of those assholes who always says: “Yeah, I knew that” even when you broach the subject of flying pigs.

    I’m gratified that more people are starting to doubt the “common wisdom” of the Globaloney Scam.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Came across someone on FB claiming that the hurricane was “seeded” by government agents and created deliberately.
    Maybe along with the border wall, we can start building some facilities for locking the nuts up and treat them for their MI?

  5. Now, we’ve got a new angle to push climate change alarmism.

    What? You expect me to start my career all over? At the absolute bottom. Compete against PhDs that can’t spell “awakened”? Maybe you should just pay me to retire? Like a real apparatchik. Not some “non-” government official. Oh, that’s (alt-)right… Screw the dole. Well, here’s one for you, “sunny”… I’ve got the keys, I ain’t lettin’ go a da wheel until I’m dead… and you ain’t gettin’ out. Welcome along to my ride!

  6. Klimate Scientology is the “science” behind the pagan cult of Klimate Krishna. Fakey Bakey Flakey pseudo-data, combined with ouija boards and rituals with goats and blood, and soon you have Klimate kooks with heads spinning and green vomit everywhere.

  7. This seems to be a “study” by one retired Yalie where the story got printed in the JapanTimes. Reading it, it seems to be a case of someone with too much time on his hands playing fun with numbers and because of it’s conclusions being picked up by a stringer service (Thompson Reuters) and being printed as filler in Japan. Let’s chip in and buy the author a rubicks cube.

  8. Here are a few of my favorite links to slay the Klimate Dragon:

    June 1934: Every state in the lower 48 with temps over 100 F

    Palmer Drought index to go with that…

    Nov 1922, The Changing Arctic:

    Hurricane Drought. Harvey was actually a CAT 2, but even if you buy the hype that it was a 4, we’ve been in the longest hurricane drought on record:

    Glaciers have been ablating long before you bought your SUV:

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