The Newest Weapon of the Left – “Credibly Accused” – IOTW Report

The Newest Weapon of the Left – “Credibly Accused”

DMF: When one hears the phase“credibly accused” you might automatically assume that the allegation being made have been examined and there is at least some credible amount of circumstantial evidence that the allegation is true.  Today, what “credibly accused” has come to mean that there is absolutely no corroborating evidence, no independent corroborating witness, no contemporaneous documentation and, most importantly, no way of verifying the allegations. It’s a phrase that reveals less of the accusations veracity than it does about the person using it and his/her animus toward the accused. It simply means the person reporting the allegation just *wants* it to be true. So it’s nothing more than an attempt to pronounce guilt without having to contend with bothersome issues like, ya know, the presumption of innocence or the need for evidence before destroying a hated target’s life and reputation.  more

19 Comments on The Newest Weapon of the Left – “Credibly Accused”

  1. Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.–John Milton, Paradise Lost

    Many feel Divine Intervention gave us PDT and exiled The Bag Lady to roam forever in the woods. Somehow, I don’t believe He is suddenly going AWOL. Demonrats will feel the pushback soon and may Karma be a BITCH.

  2. I don’t know I’d call DJT “divinely” inspired, but I do think he is our “man for the season,” America’s Churchill, the only man in the universe who can save America — the world? — in a time of crisis…. …..pull the sword out of the stone.

    It is both remarkable and sad that there are so many dumbasses in America. …sigh. I’m glad ole Trump isn’t bothered by them. …Lady in Red

  3. I actually got unfriended on In-Your-Facebook by an old buddy who is an internal affairs sergeant at suburban police department South of San Francisco. He posted a perfectly idiotic rant about how Ford’s completely lame accusation was completely credible and how he knew Kavanaugh was guilty. I posted a retort in his idiotic rant about how Ford’s testimony wasn’t even good enough for a search warrant, much less an arrest, and he goes off like a lunatic, plastering RESIST! across his posts before he unfriended me. This is a fucking police sergeant! And he’s a goddamn lunatic… and a moron.

    If the left has people like that in their ranks, then the entire country is fucked, because psychos like my ex-buddy have access to police quality databases, which means they can doxx anybody, leak embarrassing information about long past police issues, and frame anybody for anything.

    If this country goes to civil war, the military and the police agencies will have to divide up sides first.

  4. I learn something new, every day. Here I thought “credibly accused” meant “I’d believe that story, if somebody told it to me.” And (to quote Edith Ann) “That’s the truth. Pthht.”

  5. This travesty, being run by a bunch of lying, hypocritical democRATs, is absolutely hideous and disgusting. Pack of Jackals is actually more like it! I would love to see how many of these Federal Tit-Sucking Parasites would look with a background check and a drug test like the normal, everyday, hard working, tax paying, law abiding American citizen has to pass in order to get a job today! Maybe the FBI should be doing background checks on every one of them too just as an informative exercise to let the American people know how “squeaky clean” THEY really are! No one would lose their job, but the American people would get to see just how crooked and duplicitous some of these Holier-than-thou, preening poltroons really are!

  6. Like someone said, a counterfeit $100 bill is a credible representation of cash. Or a “Fake but accurate” representation of cash, as RightWinger says. All the republicans who are saying “credible” should be saying “plausible”, as that word at least has connotations of deception.

  7. It won’t stop until it’s stopped.

    That reads like one of those “Duh!” intuitively obvious statements, but this shit has continued (successfully) for years.
    We need to take perjury seriously for what it is – a corruption on the foundations of the Republic – and not just some annoying political trick.
    Not just the perjurer, herself, but those who coddle and promote (and finance) her perjuries.

    “Treason” at one time was a physical attack upon the person of the Sovereign. It then morphed into whatever met the demands of the respective power structures.
    We need to re-define it as an (and any) assault upon the Republic, and/or the Constitution, as they are the foundations of our civilization.

    Until we take a stand, this will not only continue, but metastasize.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. 1984. We have been living in pre-1984 for some time now. Even thought it was fiction, we are experiencing the formative years leading up to when Big Brother (Deep State) controls the words and thoughts of all.

  9. All the left does is end runs around the constitution.
    Like “Shall not be infringed”, “Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law” means absolutely nothing to these cretins.

  10. she lied about flying
    she lied about the door
    she even lied about her credentials.

    and yet the msm goes nonstop claiming she’s credible.

    They are the enemies of the American people, the enemies of truth and the enemies of anything and everything that is good.

    they support killing babies, too

  11. @TheMule October 2, 2018 at 3:50 am

    > If the left has people like that in their ranks, then the entire country is fucked

    Why do you think he was hired? After proving who he was, on the job, why do you think he was promoted?

    > If this country goes to civil war, the military and the police agencies will have to divide up sides first.

    One Party. The Party. No division required. No division allowed. Why do you think they were hired? Why do you think they were promoted?


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