THE NEXT BIG MIDDLE EASTERN WAR: Saudi Arabia vs. Iran – IOTW Report


Frontpage: The Syrian Civil War killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions. Its ripple effects brought terror to Europe and dragged the United States into the fighting. And it’s just the appetizer for the coming war.

The real war is the one that the Saudis and the Iranians have been maneuvering toward for years. Those maneuvers included everything from Iran’s nuke deal, the fighting in Yemen, the Syrian Civil War, the Iraqi suppression of Kurdish independence, the rise of ISIS, and the Qatari embargo.

The death toll from the buildup to the Sunni-Shiite regional war is approaching a million. And the war hasn’t even begun yet. It may never become an actual war as we understand it. It’s possible that there will be a hundred little wars exploding across the region. These wars will tear apart more of the region and the talking heads on television will blame global warming or Israeli settlements.

Those progressive excuses make much more sense to the media than an Islamic religious war.

And it will almost certainly drag us in.

Obama’s policies lit the fuse. The withdrawal from Iraq, the Arab Spring, the Iranian Nuke deal and the alliance with the Shiite regime in Baghdad did a great deal to increase Iranian power. When the United States left Iraq, Iran took control. The Arab Spring tore apart the region. And Iran used the opportunity to expand its power over Yemen, Iraq and Syria. The nuke deal signaled that Obama wouldn’t do anything to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power or a regional power. And by outsourcing the fight against ISIS to Shiite terrorist militias, Obama allowed Iran to consolidate control over Iraq and Syria.

The Saudis and the Iranians are both assembling their coalitions. And they’re coloring outside the lines. Qatar’s billionaire Sunni Islamists are aligned with Iran. That’s why the Saudis slapped an embargo on the terror state. Meanwhile Israel is loosely aligned with the Saudis. That may sound strange, but Israel’s biggest threats, from Iran’s nukes to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists, can be traced back to Tehran.

The Saudis are no slouches when it comes to funding Islamic terrorists. But Qatar’s fellow Sunni oil tyrannies looked at the way that its allies, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda variants, were tearing apart entire countries, and decided that the little terror state had become too powerful and dangerous.  read more

17 Comments on THE NEXT BIG MIDDLE EASTERN WAR: Saudi Arabia vs. Iran

  1. Saudi Arabia is the closest thing to First World Order in the Middle East outside of Israel.

    Toppling their regime has been the Iranian long game for decades.

    So, we have to pick the devil we know and who has waged war against our economy and sent the 9/11 hijackers or let them duke it out against a sworn Islamonazi regime that Obama gave nukes and 150 billion.

    If Iran wins, then the rest of the Middle Eadt is run by Iran.

  2. There’s strong evidence that the Saudis acquired multiple nukes during the Clinton-Bush years.
    Iran is not bluffing. “Death To America” is not just some chant to keep the locals distracted.

    This all ends in nukes. Our only choice is: Theirs, or Ours.

  3. don’t forget the Bush’s absolute necessity of the illumination of Saddam Hussein.
    (don’t get me wrong; S. Hussein was a loathsome creature) but, he kept the Iranians in check. Hussein was Sunni, as are the Saudis, Iran is Shiite.
    … coincidence?

  4. The “designated protégé” Saudis (Western University en-titled – shocking!) love, love, LOVE Communist Progress. Show of hands: Are the Iranians stupid enough to lure the en-titled Western Universities own princes into a direct shooting war? Or will they have the discipline to wait until Arabia’s own Queen Merkel destroys the Wahhabis (and the acceptable collateral damage of the entire rest of the country) for them?

  5. Death to America and Death to Israel have always been a sideshow. The Shiites have a deep and lasting lust for Mecca and the other holy cities. The key to it will be what the Turks and Pakistanis do. China and Russia will have their fingers in it pretty deep as well. The Great Game never gets old, though some of the players have changed. The US never played it well.

  6. What needs to be done first is to put Russia in check. They are the trouble makers that are empowering Iran, {although Obama stabbed the United States in the back and went a long way to do so too.} Hopefully the bloodbath to come can be contained regionally and weaken both sides, and keep Israel and the U.S. exposure to a minimum.

  7. Rat Fink has a good point. Irradiate two of the Big Three mosques, Mecca and Medinah. Use dirty nukes stuffed with Cobalt and iodine. Then ask the Israelis to take over the alAqsa mosque in Jerusalem and bulldoze that piece of shit.

  8. If BOo didn’t want this, why did he start the ball rolling? It is the whole chaos thing that Soros lives for.

    Such a “world war” could be very good for the world, as long as we supply the Saudi side with arms and Israelis. The Saudis are making it look like they are moving “West” for a reason.

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