The next family that gets kicked off a plane can thank Biden – IOTW Report

The next family that gets kicked off a plane can thank Biden

Biden’s Mask Orderย Forces 2-Year-Olds to Wear Masks

Biden won’t reopen schools, but he will force 2-year-olds to wear masks. We’re all in this together. Except for those of us who fly Air Force One.

13 Comments on The next family that gets kicked off a plane can thank Biden

  1. Just think how a selective euthanasia plan for 78 year old politicians would be effective in changing our government.

    The election was stolen – the executive orders are shit.

  2. Chickity China the Chinese Chicken –
    You’re too kind to today’s Repub’s.
    Republicans lie and cheat in a worse way because they lie and cheat against their own pledges to those who voted for them. Just say’n.

  3. One way to completely prevent anyone from flying is an executive order that no one can fly if their IQ is higher than that of sum of the IQs of President Asterisk + CallMeDrJill + MySonTheCrackhead

  4. There should be billboards in every oil producing area of the country and anywhere XL Pipeline workers have been laid off with a photo of President Trump asking the question: Miss me yet?

  5. Why bother getting vaccine shots?
    As long as Biden takes orders from China, we will be taking orders from Biden.
    It’s a “kick the dog” thing with Joe.
    He’s illegitimate and he knows that you know it. So he’s going to prove to you that he can get away with it. The corporate media and the left have his back.

  6. I had to go to the doctor’s office today, where you have to stand like an idiot while they scan you for your temperature, actually I guess it’s a little better than some stupid old woman aiming a red beam at your head. Wore my useless mask that they provide for you to wear, cause you can’t get in without one.

    It always puts me in a very bad mood when I have to put one of those ignorant things on. I honestly never thought I’d see the day when you can’t see a doctor if you don’t wear a mask and get your temp checked. It makes you see how so many people will get the mark of the beast, but at least when that day comes, possibly already here with the so called vaccine, I’ll know life is really short and the suffering will be very short lived, because they’ll kill us off quick.


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