The next recession might be a blast from the past – IOTW Report

The next recession might be a blast from the past

LNN: The newest talk on Wall Street is that the United States economy could endure a so-called slowcession, meaning a recession in which growth grinds to a halt and unemployment rises. While Liberty Nation has discussed the likelihood of the US returning to the Obama economy, some market analysts think that the nation could emulate what occurred in the early 1990s: monetary policy tightening followed by a brief downturn. Although this period often does not dominate economic history discussions, it was a notable time for the country leading up to the dot-com boom.

By now, many Americans have become acquainted with the inflation crisis of the 1970s and 1980s, which forced the Federal Reserve to lift the benchmark fed funds rate (FFR) to double-digit territory. After lowering the consumer price index (CPI) from a peak of 13.55% in 1980 to just 1.9% in 1986, the annual inflation rate started climbing again: 3.66% in 1987, 4.08% in 1988, 4.83% in 1989, and 5.4% in 1990. This is the same trend that some financial experts are warning could happen in the coming years. more

13 Comments on The next recession might be a blast from the past

  1. the US government, since the creation of the Federal Reserve has ever done anything to halt inflation … their intention has never been to do such.

    the Federal Reserve is only established to preserve the big banks … & it continually bails them out w/ taxpayer money. before the Feds creation banks regularly failed (as they should) when they overextended their monetary holdings

    there is nothing in the Constitution that allows this theft. we must demand our ‘representatives’ abolish this rape of our economy

  2. Wreck the economy; blame “capitalism;” demand Totalitarianism as the only “hope” for mankind.

    “Those who fail to study History are doomed to repeat its mistakes.”

    “History always repeats: first as tragedy, then as farce.”

    The Retarded Pedophile Usurping Bastard Joey is a KKKlown Show with Nukes.
    Imposing the Biden Administration on the United States is tantamount to giving a dysfunctional 6 y/o a loaded pistol and sending him off to school.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tim — That reminds me of one of my favorite P. J. O’Rourke quotations from back when he was funny and insightful:

    Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

  4. What we’re looking at isn’t a recession. It’s a depression.

    And the primary cause is govt energy policy. Energy is the master resource. When energy becomes more scarce and expensive, everything else does as well.

  5. The “administration “ is already calling it “Putin’s price hike”, watch the next 20 months, they will start calling it “Trump’s Recession”. And all the low info voters and media whores will nod their collective heads in agreement.

  6. If a Republican was President, the media would be apoplectic 24-7-365 telling us all about the depression we’ve been ever since the Republican was elected. Since we have a brain addled communist in the White House the media is silent, numbers are conveniently manipulated, new methods of determining economic conditions are being invented. Kinda makes ya wonder: Gee, why doesn’t anyone trust the MSM?

  7. Uncle Al – Once again Jackass Joe even managed to fuck that up too!
    He gave the car keys, whiskey, crack and a 38-caliber revolver to a whore-banging, coked-out, drunken monkey of a son and then pimped him out as his own personal bag-man!

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