The NFL Suffers Worst Super Bowl Ratings in a Decade – IOTW Report

The NFL Suffers Worst Super Bowl Ratings in a Decade

Breitbart: The NFL saw a modest rebound in their regular season television ratings this year. However, that trend did not continue in the Super Bowl.

The Super Bowl LIII match-up between the Rams and the Patriots drew a 44.9 overnight rating on CBS. Making it the lowest-rated Super Bowl in the history of the game; more

22 Comments on The NFL Suffers Worst Super Bowl Ratings in a Decade

  1. Los Angeles has 3 NFL teams, but at one point had zero NFL teams, I think football is not a thing for the LA demographic.

    What a mess. Raiders move to Las Vegas next year, right? Hard to build team loyalty when your organization is on wheels, always ready to move on to the next best offer.

  2. I confess its my fault. I stopped watching the America hater Goodell’s show 2 years ago. Last SB he turned down 5 Americans are good folk adds; yet ran 3 Americans are xenophobic white nationalists adda. this year only 3 pro America adds were tried (Im sure all 3 were don to show how Goodell still hates America by refusing to air them) all denied! But 5 Americans are bad adds were run. The Post add has been the most discussed; but there were 4 others, as the net tells me.

    I will start watching NFL when they fire Goodell and replace him with someone who at least does not hate my country.

  3. I quit watching NFL back when that nappy headed little bitch on the 49ers started disrespecting my country and the dickless morons that run the show let him and the other ghetto rats get away with it! I had no clue who was even in the super bowel until I saw someone post it on face book yesterday. I spent a quiet day working on my taxes.


  4. Didn’t watch it, didn’t watch a single damn game all season. When these overpaid babies start acting like men rather then felons I might think about it.
    But I doubt it.

  5. Glad to help their ratings drop by not watching. I intend to help out again next year too.
    Even if they stand for the Anthem, stop doing drugs and stop beating their wives and girlfriends, I still won’t watch.

  6. Hunh. All I heard on the news today was how the NFL had really bounced back–and then some!–from last year’s kneeling disaster that Trump was totally wrong and racist about. Weird.

  7. @Inigo
    I swore I would never watch another NFL football game after colonhole took a knee.
    But if they do play a game in an active volcano, I would tune in for that one game as long as Goodell flips the coin.

  8. This is the only NFL game I watched all this season. I did it solely to watch the Patriots win and piss off the Leftists once again. And they did not disappoint.


  9. The networks will drop the SB like a hot rock when sponsors will NOT spend millions of dollars when viewers aren’t there. America has become super saturated with high priced professional sports.

  10. The networks will drop the SB like a hot rock when sponsors will NOT spend millions of dollars when viewers aren’t there. America has become super saturated with high priced professional sports.

  11. I love the Super Bowl. Costco is empty, but open and all mine. I can get a two hour Sunday chore done in thirty minutes and that includes filling the tank with gas. I’ve watched the game once in the last two decades

  12. The worst ratings for a Superbowl broadcast… until next year’s. FIFY

    (because they still have not addressed their contempt for the fans their took for granted)


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