The northern hemisphere is cooling – IOTW Report

The northern hemisphere is cooling


It is claimed that a major component of anthropogenic climate change is global warming, which refers to a gradual warming of the earth caused by a human-induced increase of the greenhouse effect, as concentrations of greenhouse gases increase primarily from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

Repeatedly the West – generally considered to comprise of USA, Canada, European countries, Australia, and New Zealand – has been blamed for the increase of the “greenhouse effect.”

The “greenhouse gas footprint,” or “carbon footprint,” is how climate alarmists measure “gaseous emissions that are relevant to climate change and associated with human production or consumption activities.”  According to their calculations, the US is the second largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world after China.  But China’s emissions are America’s and Europe’s fault according to a 2009 report by The Guardian. “The full extent of the West’s responsibility for Chinese emissions of greenhouse gases has been revealed by a new study,” The Guardian wrote.

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27 Comments on The northern hemisphere is cooling

  1. China’s emissions are the fault of the west.

    Black on black violence is the fault of white supremacy.

    Do these people even listen to themselves?

    Although the reason China has all those emissions is because the West has sent all of its industry over tomChina so maybe they have a point.

  2. MARS
    Right now on Mars, with no known volcanism, some water and associated airborne water mists (a very important and potent greenhouse gas), the CO2 level in its atmosphere is 95% (or, 950,000-ppm to Earth’s 400-ppm, CO2). The average planetary temperature on Mars is approx. minus -82 degrees-Fahrenheit (F). Where Earth’s average is plus +57-degrees F. Soooo, what’s going on?

    Now, let’s bring in Venus, a much less investigated planet on or near the surface before direct-reading measuring probes are destroyed within minutes during, or at, touchdown. The CO2 level is just like Mars, a little higher at 97% CO2, and exists mainly inside the closest atmosphere to its surface (the troposphere). Active volcanism is generally assumed due to high levels of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4), as well as some CO2 found above the troposphere. The temperature at this atmospheric level is 844-degrees F (the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, is 333-degrees F). And, somewhere above this Venusian atmospheric level, an allegedly earth-like atmosphere (21% Oxygen) exists favorably enough for NASA to consider prioritizing missions to Venus for further hands-on investigation. Soooo, what is (or was) creating the Oxygen…and also the oxygen in CO2 and in H2SO4?

    AND… Why is Venus extremely HOT while Mars is extremely cold although both planets have nearly the same CO2 levels? Mercury has none, but is much cooler than Venus — sorta proving high CO2 levels are causing global Venus warming. Sooo, what happened to Mars?

    Just asking for a friend while fixin’ meself a sammich.

  3. Don’t worry folks, it’s all categorized as ‘climate change’. The planet is still gonna die in 12 years. The grift industry is still in full swing.
    I guess we can start pumping out C02 again to “save the planet”. Only lefties tho….It’s all !!TRUMPS!! fault.

  4. Actually, we are apparently still in an ice age, and for the past 11,000 years or so are in what is called a warm interglacial. I don’t see this as something Al Gore or Greta Thunberg have mentioned.

    Also, even if there is warming, we still haven’t reached the medievial warming period temperatures. People in Europe were pretty satisifed with that since they could grow food and, uh, not starve as much. I believe that the medievial warming period was not included in Dr. Mann’s famous hockey stick graph.

    Politicians have siezed on CO2 as the reason for global climate change or glabal warming or whatever the term de jour is. But ice cores and sea bed cores aside, our human efforts to measure temperature in the the past have been haphazard at best. We didn’t understand the urban heat island effect, thermometers were imprecise and usually placed where convenient, and maybe checked regularly or maybe not. CO2 may be one factor in climate change, as well as the earth’s position relative to the sun, sun activity and something as simple as water moisture in the air. There seems to be a lot we don’t know about climate.

  5. Also, my personal theory, which has as much validity as anything Al Gore has posited, is that global climate change is caused by windmills and solar panels. Prove me wrong.

  6. Climate is referring to data points collected every 30 years.

    We have this colder weather because of increased volcanic activity in the last two years.

    I dunno’, plan your menus accordingly?

  7. And Climate Change is a religion, make no mistake.”

    Climate change is a business plan at least. A world domination plan at best. Bottom line there’s still .04% carbon in the atmosphere. The same amount measured as far as they can go back. No change.

  8. I was told in 1980 we would all freeze to death. Then we had ACID RAIN and GIFTGAS… what was that shit? RADON GAS. Then we had an ozone hole. Then the oceans would rise, and the rivers and we’d all drount, an shit. Then it was glowbull warming. Oh, I forgot, we’d run out of coal and petrol by 1988, or something. And then all the winged-spotted mice died, and we knew right then that the trees would all be turned into paper bags. So we got plastic bags. And they were bad, too. We can’t have any bags, because they are made of wood, or retarded turtles eat them. So we get RE-USABLE BAGS made from cotton and plastic… BUT WE CAN’T USE THEM BECAUSE OF COVID! Then we all died. And we were dead.

  9. Oh, and cotton IS RAYCISS!

    And watermelons. Do you have any idea how much water a watermelon can drink? That’s carbon credits, beeyotch! And that’s natural, hygienic, non GMO, organic, gluten-free water.

  10. Carbon neutral? WTF does that even mean? There is the same amount of carbon on this planet today as there was yesterday and the day before that and the day before that going back to when the earth first formed. Some of it is CO2, some of it is hydrocarbons like coal and petroleum, some of it’s diamonds and JMHO, it also is a major component of bullshit.

  11. mod
    AT 2:00 AM
    “There is the same amount of carbon on this planet today as there was yesterday and the day before that and the day before that going back to when the earth first formed.”

    …actually not strictly true. There are 6.87 g/l of carbon in human urine. This becomes significant when you consider that an Apollo era urine bag held approximately 1200 ml of urine and that when Apollo 13 had an in-flight explosion and still had to circle the Moon to return, to save weight 11 bags of urine were jettisoned.

    So assuming they were full, we are actually light on carbon by about 90 grams.

    So roll the coal. You can NEVER replace it.

  12. A lot of excellent points and information. None of it matters of course because very powerful people that seek to become more powerful have devised plans to make themselves more powerful. As part of that process they’ve indoctrinated enough residents of the planet to pull it off.

    Those that won’t comply are being eliminated.

    History. It repeats itself. Humans attain more useful knowledge that can and is applied in very useful, productive ways but the survival, the tribal, the conquering portions of our psyches, they haven’t changed one iota. Those that are in fear of their survival because they are in fear of diminishing resources, have decided that others need to die so that they can live.

    Get your kids and your grandkids out of the government schools. And FJB.

  13. You are all so stupid. It is not global warming, it is climate “change”. This means as the world warms up there will also be periods of intermittent cooling. It is all settled science.

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