The NY Times Explains How Donald Trump is a Piker Compared To Bill Clinton When It Comes To Sexually Harrassing Women – IOTW Report

The NY Times Explains How Donald Trump is a Piker Compared To Bill Clinton When It Comes To Sexually Harrassing Women

No, the NY Times didn’t do a flattering story on Trump.

They fully intended on ratf*cking Trump with a story about his serial “crossing the line” with women- but when Clinton is poised to be the first first gentleman, the profile they produced is laughable.

Esquire compiled the worst of it-

-He suddenly took me by the hand, and he started to show me around the mansion. He asked me if I had a swimsuit with me. I said no. I hadn’t intended to swim. He took me into a room and opened drawers and asked me to put on a swimsuit… He brought me out to the pool and said, ‘That is a stunning Trump girl, isn’t it?’… It was intimidating.

-He kissed me directly on the lips. I thought, “Oh my God, gross.” He was married to Marla Maples at the time. I think there were a few other girls that he kissed on the mouth. I was like “Wow, that’s inappropriate.”

-He would stop in front of a girl, look her up and down, and say, “Hmmm.” Then he would go on and do the same thing to the next girl. He took notes on a little pad as he went along...Donald Trump looked at Miss Alabama.

“Come here,” he said.

She took one more step forward.

“Tell me, who’s the most beautiful woman here?”

Miss Alabama’s eyes swam around.

“Besides me?” she said. “Uh, I like Arkansas. She’s sweet.”

“I don’t care if she’s sweet,” Donald Trump said. “Is she hot?”

-We had a big meeting once. I grabbed one of the women in the office and sent her in to get lunch orders. Donald said, “Not her.” She didn’t look great. He got another woman to take the lunch orders. That was purely about looks. He wanted the people in that room to think that all the women who worked for him were beautiful.

-He was dismissive. It was always, “Hon,” “Dear.” Things he wouldn’t have said to a man. It was designed to make you feel small. And he did that repeatedly.


Uhh, where are the rapes?

Where are the dropped pants?

Where’s the “you better put some ice on that”?

Gimme a break.

Oh, and —->

creepyveepyJoe touchy

HT/ Just the tip

9 Comments on The NY Times Explains How Donald Trump is a Piker Compared To Bill Clinton When It Comes To Sexually Harrassing Women

  1. NYT is owned by Mexican Carlos Slim who makes billions from the Obamaphone program. The Obamaphone give-away was recently expanded to include illegals.

    Why isn’t that disclaimer included in the NYT banner?

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