Swamp Dems are just like Hollywood: no imagination so they have to rely on the reboot.
“Click It Here”
and Vonda will own your computer…
It’s their fever, they believe it to the depths of their souls. Sheesh…talk about gullible. Yet when the NYT et.al. are now accusing Bernie of Russian “cooperation”, they can’t see the irony.
Oh man, they’ve put themselves on a path to major disappointment. How can they continue eat up the lies is beyond me.
Maybe the NYT sees the Russians everywhere because half of their staff are comprised of aspiring KGB agents and the other half are enthusiastic sympathizers.
Since when do liberals have a problem with Russia?
Its Orwell’s 1984, and if Russia bashes Trump for them, they will be heroes and out of the news cycle in 2 seconds
The Russians have been after us since Hollywood released “The Russians are Coming” in 1966. We have bigger home brew threats from Washington to deal with first.
The Russians already have a mole named Bernie Sanders
Where are Jonathan Winters and the rest of the crazies on Nantucket Island to thwart the invasion of the Russians like in the movie The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming.
Swamp Dems are just like Hollywood: no imagination so they have to rely on the reboot.
“Click It Here”
and Vonda will own your computer…
It’s their fever, they believe it to the depths of their souls. Sheesh…talk about gullible. Yet when the NYT et.al. are now accusing Bernie of Russian “cooperation”, they can’t see the irony.
Oh man, they’ve put themselves on a path to major disappointment. How can they continue eat up the lies is beyond me.
Maybe the NYT sees the Russians everywhere because half of their staff are comprised of aspiring KGB agents and the other half are enthusiastic sympathizers.
Since when do liberals have a problem with Russia?
Its Orwell’s 1984, and if Russia bashes Trump for them, they will be heroes and out of the news cycle in 2 seconds
The Russians have been after us since Hollywood released “The Russians are Coming” in 1966. We have bigger home brew threats from Washington to deal with first.
The Russians already have a mole named Bernie Sanders
Where are Jonathan Winters and the rest of the crazies on Nantucket Island to thwart the invasion of the Russians like in the movie The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming.