The Obama/Iran deal was dirtier than we thought – IOTW Report

The Obama/Iran deal was dirtier than we thought

NTK: The Obama administration secretly tried to give Iran access to $5.7 billion in U.S. dollars, even after assuring the American people that Iran would not have access to U.S. currency under the Iran nuclear deal.

That’s the top revelation of a new Senate subcommittee report, as reported by The Associated Press on Wednesday.

AP‘s Josh Lederman and Matthew Lee wrote:

The report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations revealed that under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system.

The effort was unsuccessful because American banks — themselves afraid of running afoul of U.S. sanctions — declined to participate. The Obama administration approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk of doing business with or for Iran.  MORE

13 Comments on The Obama/Iran deal was dirtier than we thought

  1. Traitors. Every single traitor in the Omohammed Administration who created this catastrophe should be shipped to Tehran on wooden pallets, where they can be held as hostages at the former U.S. Embassy to await their rescue by Jimmy Carter.

  2. If the politically appointed ARMY Generals of the obama government wouldn’t convict Bergdahl of treason, there will be no indictments or prosecution of obama’s, bill’s or hillary’s lies, treason and corruption.

  3. “Every single traitor in the Omohammed Administration who created this catastrophe…”

    You can lay this mess at the feet of the Republican establishment, they own this every bit as much as the Democrats. W/o their treachery the Democrats were hamstrung to a degree, but the Republican establishment is who made it easy. The bastards were counting on a Democrat win for President, but along came Trump or their traitorous activity would have never been exposed.

  4. JD: The Republican establishment could have acted legislatively to cut off all of the funding that allowed the Omohammed Administration to finance this catastrophe. They could have followed the U.S. Constitution and put an end to the lawlessness of the Omohammed Regime, but that would have required some growth in the spinal department.

  5. approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk

    Wow! Somebody’s seriously unclear on the concept.

  6. His goal was and is to destroy the United States of America. He should be hung from a yardarm of the USS Constitution.
    He’ll probably skate just like traitor Bill Clinton.

  7. Anon: yes, the banks weren’t concerned about the legality, they were concerned about the way it would make them look.Consequently they didn’t tell anyone Obama was breaking the law. He’s traitorous scum.

  8. JDHASTY Using the nebulous term “Republican establishment” does not tell folk who the GOP progressives were. You are too polite. I have been a fighter for over 70 years. I admit that I am rude when the truth hurts. So LET ME NAME THE GOPe folk who helped O get this corrupt, American hurting deal through.
    1. Start at the top. THE GWB/ROVE syndicate. These are the Adms/Gens with 4 stars on their collars. They give the orders.
    2. The Flag officers who “lead” the GOP left: Mitch Turtle; Johnny McC; Paul Ryan; + Kevin McC
    When Ted Cruze said this deal was traitorous Johnny did not lie him “Waco Bird” but a term just as malicious. I have forgo the term but Turtle +. Johnny basically said Ted was an as*hole for telling what was true then(even if all the left, including Fox (GOp yeas; but progressive like Teddy), said was not harmful to Americans. Today even Fox admits for Americans it was a very bad deal. For GWB’s NWO folk it was, and remains, a great deal!


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