“The Ohio Pennsylvania, The Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m From Pennsylvania – the Illinois President” – IOTW Report

“The Ohio Pennsylvania, The Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m From Pennsylvania – the Illinois President”

Trending Politics: On Thursday during a visit to Chicago at the Clayco Construction site in Elk Grove Village, President Joe Biden had a mental breakdown while trying to promote his vaccine mandates.

At one point during his speech, Biden forgot how to speak.

“The Ohio Pennsylvania, the Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m from Pennsylvania,” Biden said as he gestured to himself. “The Illinois president.” more here

14 Comments on “The Ohio Pennsylvania, The Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m From Pennsylvania – the Illinois President”

  1. At this point in the shambolic display that is Joe Biden, how many people really think that he will finish his term? I don’t see it happening. He looks like he has already been embalmed. When he “speaks” at events, he sounds tired & weak, no matter what his elder abusers are pumping him full of. It can be plainly seen that he has gotten worse in his dementia in the last 3 months. He has never been a good, coherent speaker, but if it had been Trump saying he was the president of Illinois, the media & democrats would be screaming bloody murder & demanding the 25th amendment or resignation.

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