The Old World Order. Because The New World Order Isn’t Coming. – IOTW Report

The Old World Order. Because The New World Order Isn’t Coming.

Daniel Greenfield

When President George H.W. Bush delivered a speech to Congress envisioning the emergence of a “new world order”, he had it backward. The new world order wasn’t emerging, it was over.

A “new world”, Bush claimed, “is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we’ve known” and he shared that vision with Gorbachev. The Soviet Leader, a year away from being toppled, who had cut his teeth on Communist visions of a new world being born only to inherit a failing system that could no longer win wars or feed its own people, must have been amused.

Gorbachev understood what Bush did not, that no new world order was coming, an old world order was returning. Bush lasted a year longer in office than his Soviet counterpart. And yet his own farewell speech couldn’t help but echo Bush, declaring, “we live in a new world now.”

The new world we live in now is one where Russia is trying to rebuild a Czarist empire, and China, Iran, and every other power or power that was, is fighting to recreate its glory days. more

9 Comments on The Old World Order. Because The New World Order Isn’t Coming.

  1. A Bush got something backward?! Knock me down with a feather!

    A review of the record of the Bushes, shows many, many occasions of STUPID. It’s then no surprise that they supported Clintons, obamas, and Biden.

    The characteristic that accompanies their bad judgement is their ability to lie to your face.

  2. They’re trying to hide the fact that they’re losing the human terrain daily.
    Let’s see should I pay the electric, food or gas to get to work?
    Let’s see how this plays out for them in the blue city’s?
    It’s going to burn and loot.

  3. “Russia is trying to rebuild a Czarist empire, and China, Iran, and every other power or power that was, is fighting to recreate its glory days.”

  4. There could have been a new world order starting in the early ’90’s if Bush and subsequent Presidents and Congresses had stood by the new Russia in founding the legal basis for Freedom and Capitalism.

    But we haven’t had Presidents and Congresses like that since about the time of Calvin Coolidge – a problem we now have for ourselves: hardly anyone in Government or the general population understands the connection between political and economic freedom.

  5. Turn over a one-dollar bill. On the left side, underneath the unfinished pyramid, is a scroll that reads “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.” That’s Latin for “New Order of the Ages.” In English, “secular” is the opposite of “divine,” so we think it means “of the world” when in reality it means “of the current age,” which Christians know will end when Jesus returns.


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