The One Man Making the GOP Want a Sane Ukraine Policy – IOTW Report

The One Man Making the GOP Want a Sane Ukraine Policy

American Greatness:

The Ukraine war rages on with no end in sight, but the political establishment doesn’t seem to mind. The elites want to fight to the last Ukrainian rather than make peace. 

But a growing number of Republicans have had enough. A new poll found that nearly half of Republican voters think America is spending too much money on Ukraine.  Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the man most likely to be the next speaker of the House, says the “blank check” America gave Ukraine may be re-examined when the new Congress meets in January. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene promised Ukraine wouldn’t receive “another penny” from taxpayers when Republicans take the majority. Donald Trump wants Ukraine and Russia to engage in peace talks—an idea that appears to be anathema to the Biden Administration. 

This change is a massive win for America First policies—and it’s largely due to one man: Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Every other major political anchor is a devoted Ukraine fan who will gladly peddle such lies as the Ghost of Kyiv. Tucker is different. He presents stories about the conflict you won’t find anywhere else in American media. Tucker is also insistent on presenting the incredible cost of the war to the American public.

In May, America had given $54 billion in aid to Ukraine. That number has grown by additional billions since then. This astronomical cost comes at a time when the national debt stands at $31 trillion, and the country faces a severe recession. But the politicians believe it’s more important to underwrite another endless war that lines the pockets of their donors than to devote America’s resources to our own people. more here

4 Comments on The One Man Making the GOP Want a Sane Ukraine Policy

  1. McCarthy is just as Goddamned greasy as Romney or Newsom. All three of the bastards look to me like skeevy timeshare salesmen. I bet the greasy somnabitch has an entourage of slimy little boot lickers following him around just like they do.

    I couldn’t stand the type in high school and the feeling has only intensified as I have aged.

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