The Orange Line Caught Fire – IOTW Report

The Orange Line Caught Fire

Howie Carr:

Worst. Governor. Ever.

That’s not exactly breaking news about Gov. Charlie Baker of course. At least since he ginned up The Panic in 2020, he’s been the local version of his hero, Dementia Joe Biden, who in his senility calls Tall Deval “Gov. Charlie Parker.”

But the fire Thursday on the Orange Line should serve as the exclamation point for the Parker error, er, era.

I used to ride the old elevated Orange Line from Sullivan Square to Dover back in the days when it was nicknamed, among other things, “the Rattler.” It was by far the most reliable line, despite the occasional lightning strike, snowstorm or bum from the old Pine Street Inn wandering onto the tracks right where the train went underground at the edge of Chinatown.

But Thursday was the first time the State Police ever had to be called to conduct Orange Line rescue operations – in a boat!

The videos of the fire from the traffic helicopters are positively cinematic – in Hollywood they’re already putting together pitches and scenarios for the next big disaster movie.

Working title: Bridge Over the River Mystic.

New signs are also being prepared for Charlie’s “rapid transit” lines:

“No Smoking Permitted – Unless Train Is On Fire.”

Given the ongoing MBTA fiasco, the new trains about to go into service will now be refitted with cushions, complete with signs:

“In the unlikely event of a water landing, cushions may be used as flotation devices.” more here

4 Comments on The Orange Line Caught Fire

  1. Use to ride the OL from Forest Hills to Chinatown. Talk about taking your life in your hands. Oh boy! He ain’t kidding about the gun fire around Forest Hills. I was shot at less in Vietnam. And that’s no joke!

  2. I used to ride the MTA, bus and subway, ummmmmmm…..dare I say? back in the 60s to get from my home in Malden to my work (dishwasher) at Polcari’s (Italian restaurant, Boyleston St, downtown Bawstan….(that’s “Boston” in New England-ese)),
    I got to be quite the subway surfer, standing up, not holding on to the straps. Them were the dayz……. Couldn’t do it any more. My…..ummmmm…… “center of gravity”…..has shifted considerably since those times.


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