The Pain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Wallet – IOTW Report

The Pain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Wallet

Pop Star Shakira Facing Possible 8-Year Prison Sentence for Tax Fraud.

Just The News:
If she is convicted of allegations tax fraud in Spanish court, prosecutors revealed this week. 

Spanish law enforcement are seeking the sentence over Shakira‘s alleged failure to pay the Spanish government $15 million. Prosecutors will also reportedly seek a $24 million fine. 

The singer earlier this week rejected a plea deal in connection with the case and opted to head to trial instead. The trial date is not yet set. 

Prosecutors say the singer spent enough time in Spain from 2012 to 2014 to qualify for paying taxes in the European country. more

5 Comments on The Pain In Spain Falls Mainly On The Wallet

  1. Never heard of her – but if the Spanish are anything similar to us, this is a shake-down. Greedy bureaucratic maggots expropriating the wealth of others.
    Theft, in other words.
    Did she get $15 million worth of “services” out of the Spanish gov’t?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. fnuck, son of fnord,
    Not a damned thing. Not a single penny – or peso – or peon – whatever.

    The Rule of Law(TM) is a chimera – a lie – a farce – an illusion.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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