The Pantsuit That Cried Wolf – IOTW Report

The Pantsuit That Cried Wolf

Ann Coulter/Town Hall: If you’ve ever wondered how Russia became America’s most fearsome enemy, long after that country gave up Communism, gulags, forced starvations and mass murder (all of which liberals were cool with), the answer is: This crackpot idea came from the same woman who blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for Monica Lewinsky.

The Russia conspiracy is classic Hillary, as detailed in my new book, Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind.

Throughout her long and blemished public career, Hillary has always blamed her troubles on bad people conspiring against her.

When her husband’s mistress, Gennifer Flowers, stepped forward as Bill Clinton was running for president in 1992, Hillary blamed a former gubernatorial opponent of her husband, who “has now spent the last two years doing everything he can to try to get even, and it’s a sort of sad spectacle.”

Bill later admitted to the affair.

When Hillary callously fired long-serving White House travel office employees to make room for her friends’ travel business, she responded to the public outcry by accusing the head of the travel office, Billy Dale, of embezzlement. To continue the charade, her husband’s government criminally prosecuted Dale. The jury acquitted him after about three minutes of deliberation, but Dale was left jobless and nearly bankrupt.

When Hillary’s health care bill went down in flames, hurting the Democrats and leading to the first Republican Congress in 40 years, she blamed the media for having “bought into the right-wing attack.” (You know how the media slavishly repeat conservative talking points.)

As mentioned above, when her husband was caught for the millionth time molesting the help, Hillary blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

When DNA proved the story was true, Hillary blamed the fuss in the media on “prejudice against our state” — meaning Arkansas. “They wouldn’t be doing this if we were from some other state,” she said. Even The San Francisco Chronicle hooted at that one.  keep reading

8 Comments on The Pantsuit That Cried Wolf

  1. “…to put out the word that “the Russians” might have altered the content of the emails…”

    Wouldn’t that be fairly easy to shoot down by providing the actual, unaltered emails?

  2. I used to be a conservative

    I’m certain I was a member of the silent majority

    Then I became a Reagan Democrat…

    After that I was referred to as an Angry White Male

    Then I became part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

    Al Gore called me a Climate denier, a holocaust denier, and an “Extra Chromosome Republican”

    Briefly I was a Swift-boater

    Obama called me a Bitter Clinger

    So I joined the TEA Party and was a called a tea bagger

    Because I opposed obama’s policies on merit I was called a Racist

    About this time I apparently became a member of the Alt-Right

    After that I was just another part of a basket of deplorables which included homophobics, misogynists, Islamophobics etc….

    Then very quickly I was a white supremacist, fascist, and now a Nazi…

    I miss being an angry white male….


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