The Party Of Peace-Loving, Tree Huggers Are Actually The Violent Ones – IOTW Report

The Party Of Peace-Loving, Tree Huggers Are Actually The Violent Ones

“They asked me would I like to debate [Donald Trump], and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”   Joe Biden, March 2018

The “Democrats”, the self-described “inclusive” Party, often criticize Donald Trump for his alleged violent rhetoric. In fact, if facts are relevant, the shoe is on the other foot.  But before we discuss the Democrat’s explicit violent rhetoric, consider one typical account of Donald Trump’s alleged violent rhetoric, a Jan. 7, 2021 article in the Guardian.

Astonishingly, despite the fact that the title promises to detail calls to violence by Donald Trump, most of the remarks cited in the article are made by people other than Trump and none of them are actual calls to violence.

The first remark is Trump’s tweet on Dec. 19, 2020, to followers to go to the protest and “Be wild!”.  The Free Dictionary explains that this means: “To become very excited or enthusiastic (about someone or something).”  Far from being a call to violence, this expression could be used by teenagers talking about a party.

The second case, described in the Guardian article as a statement by Louie Gohmert to Trump supporters “to go to the streets and be violent,” is nothing of the sort.  In fact, referring to a court ruling that Trump had no grounds to challenge the legitimacy of the election, Gohmert said the court ruling means that “[Trump supporters] have no remedy.  … [T]he ruling [means] that you have got to go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa.”  However, Gohmert is not there stating his own position. He is explaining the court’s message to Trump supporters.

The third example is a statement by Eric Trump on Jan. 1st that any Republican members who vote to certify Biden’s election will be primaried.  That is not a call to violence. It is a normal call to politics. more here

26 Comments on The Party Of Peace-Loving, Tree Huggers Are Actually The Violent Ones

  1. They think they control the narrative, but most people see through their bullshit. The big problem is that until recently people who have not lived in close proximity to them simply did not appreciate the depth of the depravity of the progressive movement and to be honest, until they have lived in close proximity to them as I have they will never fully comprehend that their capacity for wickedness and evil is limitless.

  2. Once you get past the propaganda spouted by the left-wing media, the only difference between a really dumb liberal and a well-educated one comes down to the number of syllables in their drivel.

  3. Reasonable people understand that the second violence is committed, your argument, if your intention was to make an argument, is lost. Serious people, in an effort to convince, persuade or refute do not indulge in violence. Everyone over the age of 4 learns this.

    I’m also struck by the similarities and their playbook, of both the dems and the Russians; accuse the other party of that which you are doing yourself to divert. Alinski at his proudest.

  4. @ Gunny MARCH 10, 2022 AT 11:51 AM

    It’s all right there in The Bible. They are followers of Satan and intend to emulate him in order to curry favor with their dark prince. Their intentions are not well intended and the rhetoric they cloak their intentions in is designed and intended to sell a bill of goods. It resonates with individuals who no longer view envy as a cardinal sin, but have been inculcated to accept, or are “hardwired” that way, the progressive ideal of envy being a cardinal virtue.

    “Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, ‘social justice.'”
    Thoma Sowell

    And as a person who has had opportunity to sit and listen to the rhetoric of Seattle progressives as they converse amongst themselves, whenever they are concerned about social justice, if you listen closely it is all about themselves, addressing their own their envy and resentment.

    They don’t have it in them to have any concern for anything except their own selfish desires

    Here, let me let Andrew Cuomo tell you what it all boil down to:

    “If you want to cancel something, cancel federal gridlock, cancel the incompetence, cancel the infighting, cancel crime, cancel homelessness, cancel education inequality, cancel poverty, cancel racism, be outraged but be outraged at what really matters and what really matters to you,” he said..

    “be outraged at what really matters and what really matters to you”

    That is all it has ever been about to the followers of the progressive movement and it is all it will ever be about. It it doesn’t affect them personally the only interest they have in injustice is to figure out how they can make it about them and exploit it to advance THEIR OWN agenda.

  5. @ Brad MARCH 10, 2022 AT 12:03 PM

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the English began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy-willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the English began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low,
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd,
    It was not taught by the State.
    No man spoke it aloud,
    When the English began to hate.

    It was not suddenly bred,
    It will not swiftly abate,
    Through the chill years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the English began to hate.

    Rudyard Kipling

  6. @ Gunny MARCH 10, 2022 AT 11:51 AM

    It’s all right there in The Bible. They are followers of Satan and intend to emulate him in order to curry favor with their dark prince. Their intentions are not well intended and the rhetoric they cloak their intentions in is designed and intended to sell a bill of goods. It resonates with individuals who no longer view envy as a cardinal sin, but have been inculcated to accept, or are “hardwired” that way, the progressive ideal of envy being a cardinal virtue.

    “Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, ‘social justice.'”
    Thoma Sowell

    And as a person who has had opportunity to sit and listen to the rhetoric of Seattle progressives as they converse amongst themselves, whenever they are concerned about social justice, if you listen closely it is all about themselves, addressing their own their envy and resentment.

    They don’t have it in them to have any concern for anything except their own selfish desires

    Here, let me let Andrew Cuomo tell you what it all boil down to:

    “If you want to cancel something, cancel federal gridlock, cancel the incompetence, cancel the infighting, cancel crime, cancel homelessness, cancel education inequality, cancel poverty, cancel racism, be outraged but be outraged at what really matters and what really matters to you,” he said..

    politico andrew-cuomo-brooklyn-church-appearance

    “be outraged at what really matters and what really matters to you”

    That is all it has ever been about to the followers of the progressive movement and it is all it will ever be about. It it doesn’t affect them personally the only interest they have in injustice is to figure out how they can make it about them and exploit it to advance THEIR OWN agenda.

  7. JDHasty

    The history channel did a mini series, Son Of Liberty. It should be required viewing for every one in the country. But as that poem reflects, and that mini series, people were slow to react. Not unlike today. And after they got going, you couldn’t stop them.

  8. A few years ago I would post links on Nextdoor, whenever a libtard was bashing anything conservative. When I would ask for a “source” it was always ignored. Then, if I posted a link as a rebuttal to their CNN style comment, they would say crap like, “Oh look at that site, of course it’s going to be against liberals. I don’t believe in made up articles.” In their minds, anything they believe is gospel, but whenever facts are thrown back at them it’s made up bullshit. That is one of my biggest gripes with those assholes…they don’t have the ability to look at things from all angles and do a bit of research.

  9. @ Brad

    I think we are talking about 2 different arena’s. If you are playing in the arena of civil discourse, then no, violence is not the answer. If you have abandoned civil discourse, have decided that we are beyond talking, and revolution and/or a separation is required, then yes, violence is one avenue to achieve this.

    And as for the 1770’s, from what I’ve read, the country was divided into thirds; one third was loyal to the crown, one third wanted independence (with even less willing to fight for it E.g. violence) and one third were ambivalent and would welcome the end result either way.

  10. Rich Taylor

    That is a very valid point. From what I’m seeing. I think we have entered phase two. Look at it this way. The people that seem to want to destroy this country, turn our lifestyles into that of some banana republic, currently “own” Federal Law Enforcement, and are working on controlling the military. After the 2024 election takes place, and they lose big, who will force them out if they don’t want to leave. The lefts big on projecting. Remember when they raised those concerns with Trump? I dunno. I don’t think we are in a good position.

  11. What I fear we are going to see unfold is that there will be people who believe they have lost everything and have no reason to live will seek to demonstrate they still have some control and will lash out by emulating Tim McVeigh.

    They are out there quietly plotting and waiting for the opportune moment. Unfortunately, like McVeigh they will look to a high body count and accept “collateral damage” if that is what it takes to make sure their message gets through and that puts us a lot of innocent people in great danger.

    Make no mistake about it, the progressive is just fine with this and it is baked into their strategy. These events will be used by them as pretext to tighten their control over everyone’s life.

  12. Of course they’re the more violent ones. They’re warped children in adult bodies. And their so psychotically solipsistic that they believe their dreams won’t come true because you don’t believe in them.

  13. “After the 2024 election takes place, and they lose big”

    Although that certainly is not a given, them losing big, especially with them counting the votes, I get your point.

    The one thing this Ukraine business and our likely bumbling into a war with a nuclear-armed country, it does get us away from ruminating about our own sad state of affairs.

    But TBH, I shudder when I think about the state of our nation in 2024. Look at how much damage Plugs did in just one year.

    And it’s obvious, looking at how they are grooming her now, that the Willie Brown semen receptacle will be their nominee in 2024. This country will not survive or even stand for that woman being president.

  14. Sooooooo you are telling us something we all know – democrats are violent lying liars. “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

  15. Rich

    “ But TBH, I shudder when I think about the state of our nation in 2024. Look at how much damage Plugs did in just one year.”

    That’s what bothers me the most and why I think we’re in phase II. We still basically have 3 more years of this regime and in all honesty they’re doing a pretty good job of accomplishing their goals. We’ve underestimated them. They need to be stopped. So who’s going to stop them?

  16. Brad – I hope it all comes to an end with the Mid-Terms. We’ll pull his teeth in November… if we get there.

    JD – They are out there quietly plotting and waiting for the opportune moment. Unfortunately, like McVeigh they will look to a high body count and accept “collateral damage” if that is what it takes to make sure their message gets through and that puts us a lot of innocent people in great danger.

    Well I wonder about that. Yes they will if there is no real pushback, we saw them burning our cities, but I think Americans have had it “up to here” with their shit, on top of a year of Jackass Joe and all his fuck-ups! Just yesterday we saw a pole about Most Democrats Say “They’d Flee, Not Fight for America”. What do you think they’re going to do again’st pissed off Americans? Ii think with most of antifa, it’s just party time until they run up against a determined group, then watch out for the flying vaginas gettin outta Dodge!

  17. @Bob M, aka Bob Masterbates, see let me splain “Lucy”, I try not to attack someone personally, do more of a generalized type comment. Until some jerk like you comes along. Here it goes & this one is for you.

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