The PC Police – IOTW Report

The PC Police

Meet the PC police who are terrorizing you. They are great people who are happy to inflict destructive emotional terrorism onto you while they think they’re making the world a better place as they are making the world a worse place. If you’d like to help destroy society through political correctness, then please take a note from the PC police!

4 Comments on The PC Police

  1. Walpurgis,

    See the importance of internet cross site platform tracking anonymity?

    A lot of people have serious surprises coming in their future because they don’t, and don’t understand how easily it can be done if you’re not aware of it.

  2. Once antifa and blm succeed in driving decent police out of their jobs, the replacements will clearly have to be those who are acceptable to antifa and blm + comfortable with using violence.

    Who will that be? Antifa and blm assholes. It’d be a good idea to not have any dealings with any such region – since rule of law will not apply but politically correct harassment surely will.

    Have a disagreement with any vendor in one of these areas, that might usually be dealt with by a complaint to law enforcement, or a lawsuit? You might end up on a PC enemy list just for complaining. What are you going to do, hire a local attorney? – a non-local will not know the ropes.

    A list of cities with significant antifa/blm riots over the last year would make a good boycott list. Add every ‘woke’ business.


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