The Pence-Graham Rule – IOTW Report

The Pence-Graham Rule

JWR: Millennials and others of a certain age have not lived in a time when fidelity was universally valued and mostly supported by culture — though sometimes hypocritically — and its opposite was roundly condemned. There was even a time when a divorced person could not expect to become president, though plenty of married presidents managed to conduct clandestine affairs, often with the indulgence of the media.

How far we have come (or gone) as a country and culture was evidenced by the re-election of Bill Clinton, even after reports of his alleged sexual harassment of Paula Jones were made public.

This isn’t about that. It’s about Vice President Mike Pence and his recently rediscovered standard of refusing to dine alone with a woman not his wife, or showing up without her at a place where alcohol is served.

This is sometimes called the Billy Graham Rule, after the famed evangelist. It isn’t about prudishness, as some have claimed in their criticism of Pence, it is about preserving one’s reputation and “avoiding the appearance of evil,” as evangelicals like Graham and Pence would put it.
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12 Comments on The Pence-Graham Rule

  1. “How far we have come (or gone) as a country and culture was evidenced by the re-election of Bill Clinton..”

    Alexis de Tocqueville:” In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.”

    NB- Half of the country have been regular consumers of The Jerry Springer Show for the last 30 years

  2. The same people who are shocked by this were shocked that Hillary lost. Completely out of touch liberals who live in big cities and never interact with normal Americans.

  3. You need to be following the drama with our Alabama governor right now. Impeachment hearings underway as I write this. He is a Republican btw.
    I admire VP Pence and his values. What sane OB would examine a woman without another woman in the room? It is called common sense.

  4. For a political person like Pence, it makes perfect sense. With all of the psycho women out there looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and a multi-million dollar payout, only a foolish man who has money and fame would not follow this rule. Look at Bill O’Reilly; rich, famous, if he asks a woman out on a date, then in the eyes of feminists, that’s sexual harassment. In today’s world, sexual harassment is whatever women say it is, including looking at a woman.

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