The Pentagon strikes a blow against transgender madness – IOTW Report

The Pentagon strikes a blow against transgender madness

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s stupid and essentially disrespectful response to the question “What is a woman?” tells us what the official line is from the Biden administration: a woman is whatever the transgender lobby says it is.  And we know that the Biden Pentagon has been going out of its way to accommodate so-called “transgender” troops.  That’s why it’s so delicious that the Pentagon announced today that it is lowering the physical standards for women and older people.

Here’s the story from The Hill (emphasis mine):

Following a three-year review, the Army has scrapped plans to use the same physical fitness test for all soldiers, choosing instead to have some reduced standards to allow women and older soldiers to pass, the service announced Wednesday. 


15 Comments on The Pentagon strikes a blow against transgender madness

  1. That’s great. Now let’s see if they strike a blow against Presidential madness.

    Just a reminder: Democrats are ALWAYS projecting. Whether or not they know it at the time, they’re doing it. Whether it’s Article 25, Brinksmanship or Russian Collusion, they’re always projecting.

  2. Just to give a little history about fitness standards and the Army. When I came into the Army in the late 60s–there was NO generalized fitness testing at all. I was an Army nurse, so I am only speaking about generalized testing. After Vietnam, around 1980, the Army started fitness testing for all of us. The three things we were tested on were sit ups, push ups. and a 2 mile run. There were different standards for men and women and different for age. This testing lasted until my husband retired in 98. Remember I said these were generalized standards and Special Forces had higher ones. I guess what I am saying is what is happening now, is NOT new.

  3. If we start grabbing conscripts off the streets isn’t that a little bit like Shanghaiing someone and forcing them into involuntary servitude in the military as cannon fodder. I think they used to call that slavery. The left will do anything to deplorables in order not to have actually do any fighting for any cause just or unjust for themselves. They are the ultimate definition of cowards and chickenshits.

  4. Be all you want to think you want to be Joey’s Army. Did you know his son Beau was in the Army in Iraq? And Humper was in the Navy for a little while. And Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is an inspiration to all those troops he led out of Afghanistan and the ones he’s going to be eating pizza with in Ukraine.

  5. Rich Taylor,

    “Well, the good news is they will be easier to defeat once our government turns them lose on us.”

    The pink guns and tanks, and rainbow flags will be the biggest clue to finding them.

  6. So in other words, the military is going back to the standard they already used to use — the one based in reality where women and older service members perform at reduced levels compared to young males. Fucking morons, but at least they seem to have learned from their mistake, at least this time.

  7. “ ‘I also have concerns obviously about the implications of the test for our ability to continue to retain women, which we obviously want to do,’ Wormuth said at her nomination hearing in May.“

    There you go, it is more important to have the “right”number of women in the military than to defend our country. I hate these people.

  8. “… some reduced standards …”
    Then they’re not “standards.”

    a level of quality or attainment.

    Not arguing with the practice, complaining about abusing the language.
    We use euphemism to obscure, not to enlighten.

    The Army should just declare: “We have NO standards – just levels of achievement we’d like to see for women, old fucks, and men (as well as assorted perverts, &c.).”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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