The Perfect Horn for Southern Drivers – IOTW Report

The Perfect Horn for Southern Drivers

23 Comments on The Perfect Horn for Southern Drivers

  1. HEY! FRANK BASS!…..I have to drive 30 miles to see a 4 way stop sign…

    I’m pretty excited to see an actual stoplight today….Are they still red, yellow and green?….

  2. It’s amazing here in Indiana how smoothly traffic flows if the stoplights are out. Everyone takes their turn and moves. When civil defense or LEOs take to directing the traffic flow, everyone sits like bumps on a log and traffic gets stymied.

    I think there is a “traffic light mentality” that tells people to look at their text messages and get distracted.

    @ Third twin, me thinks the idiots see the mouthing sooner than the light change because most people look up to their rear view before the light. It’s a faster move with their eyes from the direction of their cell phones. Or, it’s the “voodo” of our ” pissedoffedness” awakening them.. 🙂

  3. Sometimes I want one of those train horns. I can get really impatient when driving.

    But, I must say, after moving to small-town Michigan, I’m losing my big city traffic ‘edge’. Guess it isn’t that bad to be polite.

    Edit: judgeroybean and Poor Lazlo, didn’t see your comments before I commented. GMTA, ya know!

  4. @ Claudia

    When our daughter lived in Seattle and I visited her, she had G-force face when driving. I was terrified with her driving. When she came home, to visit, no G-force face. Now she lives in a MO area where 90% of driving is interstate, but her G-force face hasn’t returned.

  5. I had a train horn when I was just out of high school, hooked it up to an old freon can and a valve. It was great fun, while it lasted. The judge let us off with a stern warning, but only if we would go to the City shops and cut the horn into pieces with a chop saw.


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