The Perv Network – IOTW Report

The Perv Network

Patriot Retort: What in the Sam Hill is going on at CNN? That place is a regular perv network. Is it something in the water?

First Chris Cuomo gets fired over sexual harassment allegations. Then his producer gets arrested for paying women to let him sexually abuse their little girls. And last night another CNN employee got exposed as a perv in a Project Veritas video.

Let me tell you, I watched the Project Veritas video and my skin crawled. MORE

11 Comments on The Perv Network

  1. When you have a crowd of people who believe they are above the law and ethics, this is what you’re left with. People like this will always get their ass handed to them, we are seeing it in action at CNN. They have gotten away with their perversion for so long, they never thought they would be found out. I know none of them are sleeping well at night, they’re waiting for the next shoe to fall.

  2. The pervs are knocking on Hell’s door.

    And the liberals are putting up arguments for the acceptance of sex with little kids. If one filthy perv does it, the liberals will interpret it as a humanist act and it will then be OK for others to do it. That’s how these acts get popularized amongst atheists and assorted low-lifes who have no sense of right and wrong. From taking a dump in public to sex with a 2-year old or with an animal – these are things that we’ll hear a lot more about in the future.


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