The Plague of the Good Little Girls in Congress – IOTW Report

The Plague of the Good Little Girls in Congress

American Thinker: 

There seems to be an emerging conventional wisdom that the freshmen Democratic women in Congress really don’t know what they are saying, poor little things, so we shouldn’t really take their anti-Semitic statements seriously.

Note to all non-Democratic men and women: Do not try this at home!

But I do not think that we are giving congresswomen like Sandy O, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enough credit. To me they are perfect products of our lefty educational system. Ask yourself: If you went to school and college in the United States today and believed everything your teachers taught you, how would your worldview be different from Sandy O, Omar, and Tlaib?

They are, indeed, Good Little Girls, about whom I like to think the lyricist of South Pacific was writing when he wrote:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear
You’ve got to be taught from year to year
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught

Of course, back in the day Richard Rodgers and all good thinkers knew that the problem was whites at WASP-only country clubs in the Deep South. No doubt. Only, you don’t have to teach people to hate and to fear. Hate and fear are instincts, buried somewhere between the DNA and the unconscious, according to settled science. You have to be carefully taught not to hate and to fear.

Okay, let’s get into Nietzsche mode, and say something You Are Not Allowed To Say.

The problem with nearly all women, including women who all dress up in white for the State of the Union speech, is that they believe what they are carefully taught. But a lot of men know that everything they are taught is bullsh*t. Nothing personal; it’s just that women are much more social and sensitive to what other people say, and men are expendable so they don’t care, not as much.

Okay, #NotAllWomen. Some of them are like Becky Sharp of Vanity Fair, and had to grow up fast. And then there are the Michelle Malkins and the Camille Paglias of the world. Thank God for them.  MORE

9 Comments on The Plague of the Good Little Girls in Congress

  1. These frosh Kongress Kritters are not the sweet little innocents they want you to believe they are.
    Everything they say is carefully scripted, and carefully rehearsed.
    It’s just that some of them (like AOC) are worse at reading a script than O’Bozo.
    But they are all deadly, brain dead or not.


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