The Plot Against the President is a must-see documentary – IOTW Report

The Plot Against the President is a must-see documentary

Patriot Retort:

Last night I watched the documentary The Plot Against the President based on the book of the same name by Lee Smith.

And watching this ninety minute documentary was an odd experience. I’ve never become blind with rage watching a film before.

The Plot Against the President chronicles the events that we now refer to as SpyGate, FISAGate and RussiaGate. It covers a lot of the ground we already know. But it does so in a way that gives the viewer a window into what went on behind the scenes – most notably how Congressman Devin Nunes worked to peel back the layers of the onion to reveal the intricate plot against the Trump campaign and the subsequently the Trump Administration.

It’s all in there – the set-up of Mike Flynn, the unmasking, the FISA abuse against Carter Page, the absurd “Steel Dossier” financed by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. From bad actors Comey, Brennan, Susan Rice, the odious Adam Schiff — and of course the cooperative activist news media – The Plot Against the President covers all of it. more here

21 Comments on The Plot Against the President is a must-see documentary

  1. I want to build a statute to honor Mr Lee Smith…I have read some superb articles by him, but not the book.

    The man is a patriot of the highest order.

    Have not checked the film out yet but I don’t need anymore ‘blind outrage’!!!! :>o

    Sounds like it should be in the horror movie category and not a documentary…

    I have had IT up to ‘here’. (put extended fingers under chin) with this Scum trying to undermine the Constitution and are guilty of sedition and treason.

    At this point beleive it or not just trying to be more patient and wait it out to election day, sigh. It’s the only place we find ourselves in right now…

  2. You want to put a nail in the coffin of the deep State for this election cycle? Link this movie for free.

    Do it. Get the message out there. Bypass the YouTube commies.

  3. Hollywood producer/director makes a good documentary instead of the crap Hollywood typically makes, and you guys bitch that it isn’t free?

    When conservatives write books, do you bitch that they aren’t giving them away for free? Jesus, what a shitty complaint.

    FFS. You sound like commie college girls.

  4. AW BULLSHIT!….There’s a time and a place for any endeavor to be fully paid. There’s also a time and a place to get the message out selflessly in the hopes of maintaining the Republic. So, give me a break about what a Hollywood producer/Director is owed. He/She will make it back exponentially on their next adventure if it’s good….Hollywood producer/directors always have their hand out….

    And “Butterknife”, loan me 15 bucks until my brother straightens up…..He’s a hunch back….

  5. Jesus, Willysgoat. Do you think magical fairies do the work it takes to make, promote and market a film? Do I need to explain the concept behind free market economics and compensation for services rendered to you? Do you understand how businesses work? Or are you an AOC fan?

  6. Dianny
    Exactly, not to mention very few are doing this very important work. They need to be supported to the best of our ability. I’ll be down loading my copy tonight.
    Willy, you’re sounding like the poster boy for dirt bags,

  7. PPV on Vimeo will mean only a few already in the choir will see it. Yes, the producers need to make money to fund the effort. But how about a deal to buy 5 copies for $50, or 15 copies for $100, to distribute to friends, relatives, clergy, etc., who need to see this. There are some GREAT documentaries recently, e.g., “Poverty Inc.”, “Uncle Tom”, and “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words”. But people need to see them! The producers need to be rewarded, of course, but there needs to be better ways to get the message out.

  8. Unfortunately I actually “get” both sides of the free/not free argument. I’m never usually that conflicted.

    Maybe the thing to do would be for them to ask for a donation. Conservatives almost always make a fair donation; sometimes more than fair. But, honestly, if you have to be spoon-fed this stuff, you’ve no — even modest — skin in the game.

    A film of this importance to the people is far and away better than the drip, drip, drip, drip of weekly scandal headlines and the “Boom!” and “Epic” exlamations of certain blogs (we all know which ones).

    If these revelations, presented in this manner, don’t make you a believer of a Higher Power putting Trump where he is today, I don’t know what would. Geo. Washington had a cape full of bullet holes and a couple of horses shot out from under him. Trump has the equivalent today.

  9. Dianny…..I certainly understand free market economics and compensation due to the provider of services. I also understand how businesses work. Sometimes your profits come later after some selfless acts, especially if you delay your monetary gain for the good of the many. I don’t need to see this documentary to feel rage for the actions of so many against a duly elected President, but others might…..I have foregone profit and payment many times for the greater good of individuals and others…..

    The AOC comparison to me is just stupid….You and Butterknife are just insulting a fellow conservative and I did not insult either of you….

  10. “You and Butterknife are just insulting a fellow conservative ”

    Ah Goat Boy you crack me up. I’d send you a twenty but I know you’d just blow it on Woolite and Goat porn.
    On second thought I’ll send you twenty. Have BFH e mail me your address.

  11. Stop it, you guys! Quit hating on Willysgoatgruff. He’s been here as long as I can remember — though that’s not saying much about my memory, these days. He’s a long-time contributing member of this IOTWReport family.

    I understand where he’s coming from. It’s the same way I get a little tired of O’Keefe announcing “Boom!” videos days ahead of his expose’. If it’s that important, why wait? I know, I know….the news cycle, timing, etc.

    Anyway…Love one another as Jesus loves you.

    (Be easy on me, too. My mom and a very dear friend died a few days ago.)


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