The Plot Thickens: Damning New Details Emerge in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up – IOTW Report

The Plot Thickens: Damning New Details Emerge in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up

This leads us to ask: how do we explain the utter indifference of the Secret Service to their own safety, to the safety of their protectee, Kamala Harris (then VP elect), and passersby, including a group of children? This indifference overwhelmingly suggests Kamala Harris’ Secret Service detail knew that the DNC bomb didn’t pose a threat, but this just raises the more damning question: how would they have known that this recently discovered DNC pipe bomb was a dud?

14 Comments on The Plot Thickens: Damning New Details Emerge in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up


    It’s all they’ve got.
    Note: if you noticed the misspelling, it’s because you’re a racist white Christian nationalist MAGA extremist.

  2. NOBODY has mentioned the “bombs” being left out in the open, easily identified as a “bomb”. Why weren’t they put in boxes or wrapped in bags or put in a trash can or thrown deeper into the bushes?
    PS – the “timer” is JUST THE KNOB from a $5 countertop oven timer. The entire timer is not there, which is necessary for it to actually be “A TIMER”!

  3. Dang. This plot is starting to get as thick as Fani. Although I still say that neither of these plots will ever reach denouement. We’ll be left hanging instead of the perps.

  4. Zonga,
    Because they made it and planted it themselves.
    Like an arsonist will start a fire and then be the hero by putting it out.

  5. if the head badge-blanker wray bez wantin mo $$$, sell your new fag building, stop chasing catholics, pro-lifers, & j6-ers, & flush your dindu/dei makework “jobs” – otherwise.

  6. The “BOMB” did everything they planned it to do and more. But don’t fret, there are plenty of good honest FBI agents. It’s only at the top that there is a problem, right? BULLSHIT!

  7. 50 years ago we used to goof around with fireworks, Black Cats, bottle rockets, cherry bombs, M80s, H100s (when we could get them)… anyway one day I’m sweeping up and notice that the broom I’m using had a wooden stick handle that was painted red and get the idea to cut about 3″ off the end. drill a small hole in it and stick some fuse in it – this thing looked like a small stick of dynomite. So the next time we’re together I pull it out and show it to my buddies –
    “Hey guys, check this out!”
    “Ooh, where’d you get that!”
    Then I light it and toss it at their feet.
    You’ve never seen a group scatter as far and as fast as possible!
    For a moment there I thot I might be in for a beat-down, but we all got a good laugh out of it.

  8. the answer will be revealed during the halftime show at Fed Stadium as to how DJT planted the device. Taylor Swift says the photos will not be AI like hers. Vegas says the CIA won’t rig the game. You can trust uson

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