The political time bomb for Biden inside the latest jobless numbers – IOTW Report

The political time bomb for Biden inside the latest jobless numbers

Just The News:

While the unemployment rate for Americans dropped in August, there is a political time bomb buried in the statistics for President Joe Biden and a Democratic Party increasingly focused on equity: black joblessness shot up significantly.

In other words, the president who fondly boasts of a domestic policy promising to leave nobody behind has an economic recovery that is leaving a key Democratic constituency in worse shape.

“The rise in black unemployment in August is certainly troubling, considering their unemployment rates were already much higher than any other group,” Elise Gould, a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, said on Twitter.

Adding to the complications is the fact that before the pandemic, African-Americans enjoyed historic economic gains under President Trump, including record-low unemployment and falling poverty. read more

17 Comments on The political time bomb for Biden inside the latest jobless numbers

  1. With the unemployment welfare that ran out for millions yesterday, either forces them to get a job and start paying rent and taxes, or be on the street. Biden needs all the housing h can get to put the illegals into. For sure the name landlord slum will stick. When the lazy asses get a job, the unemployment rate will drop and Biden will take all the credit.

  2. It takes a month for me to get NEW light commercial HVAC equipment from Carrier. It used to be ready to drop on 3 days with common stuff sitting ready to go.

    There is no way these types of shortages support the concept of a healthy recovery.


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