The polls in Alabama say: Moore 50.3% Strange 32.2% – IOTW Report

The polls in Alabama say: Moore 50.3% Strange 32.2%

Decision Desk HQ sponsored an Opinion Savvy poll of likely voters in Alabama for the upcoming Senate special election’s Republican primary runoff. Voters were contacted by landline (IVR) and cell phone (push notification and web-based survey), and the sample was weighted for age, race, gender and region. A total of 494 respondents participated, and the margin of error is +/- 4.4%.

Former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore is enjoying an eighteen point lead over incumbent Senator Luther Strange, 50.3% to 32.2%.

Earlier this week, JMC Analytics surveyed the contest and found a nearly identical lead for Moore, 51% over Strange’s 32%. Strange wins non-evangelicals (48.2% to 26%), older Millennials and younger Gen Xers (32.6% to 29.9%), somewhat liberal (32.1% to 30.5%) and very liberal voters (20.8% to 8.2%), and voters in the Mobile area (46.8% to 42.3%).

Moore wins everyone else. He dominates every other age bracket, leads Strange among evangelicals by almost thirty points (57.5% to 27.9%) and leads among very conservative voters by a similar margin (61.6% to 29.2%). Regionally, he is the solid favorite in Huntsville (54.2% to 29.3%), Montgomery (57.4% to 21.7%), and leads in Strange’s home metro region of Birmingham by double digits (46.3% to 35%).

Among likely Republican voters, President Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at 83.4%, with just 14% disapproving. The President endorsed the Senator just before the first primary round, but Strange only leads among voters who disapprove. Moore beats Strange by twenty-five points (56.4% to 31.3%) among the voters who strongly approve, and almost eleven points (49.2% to 38.4%) among the voters who somewhat approve.


13 Comments on The polls in Alabama say: Moore 50.3% Strange 32.2%

  1. Any incumbent should take heed.
    RINOs are endangered, about time.
    There is a new leader of the band and you self-serving sour notes gotta go.
    Sing your falsetto some where else.

  2. 👍 Roy Moore, a man who lost his SUPREME COURT job for his beliefs, and the Republican establishment HATES THAT.

    👍 They want a double-talking SQUISH to be members, not rock-ribbed ideologues. That’s why they hate Trump and Cruz, b/c they can’t be shushed into silence. Can’t be shamed, can’t be caused to CAVE IN when a microphone sticks in their face.

  3. The primary is September 26th, 2017. There isn’t going to be a long wait for Flake to flake off. After the 26th he’ll be a lame duck senator. He might do bad things in a snit.

  4. I can’t wait for that scumbag McConnell to take this hit. He’s gotten away with meddling in state elections for far too long. Putting in his mushy little yes men despite how the voters feel. I hope the same happens in Arizona.

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