The Postal Service is raising rates, slowing service, and getting into banking – IOTW Report

The Postal Service is raising rates, slowing service, and getting into banking


The United States Postal Service recently raised parcel shipping rates and announced that its first-class mail would no longer come with a two-day guarantee, except for nearby mailboxes. It also launched a check-cashing program.

These actions have critics, inside and outside of Congress, going postal. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia called the delivery delays “just inexcusable.”

“What if McDonald’s ran the post office?” began one column in Miami Today arguing that we’d get better delivery and fries with that.

But one Postal Service critic had some positive things to say about most of these actions. Kevin Kosar is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a co-author of a new paper on the government agency’s secretive and often frustrating procurement process.

“There long have been critics who accused the USPS of underpricing their parcels for the sake of gobbling up the agency’s share of the parcel market,” Kosar told the Washington Examiner.

“The law forbids the agency from using revenues from its monopoly line of business (paper mail) to subsidize its competitive products and services (parcels),” he added. “Hence, raising its parcel prices probably is a healthy sign — even if consumers and shippers do not like it. Regarding the USPS slowing down some first-class mail — it previously did this in 2014, so the move is not unprecedented. Of course, this decision frustrates mailers, but it could prove a net positive if it enables the USPS to more consistently deliver mail within an expected time frame.”

On the other hand, Kosar thinks the check-cashing program is “an unwise experiment.” MORE HERE

22 Comments on The Postal Service is raising rates, slowing service, and getting into banking

  1. Great news! The USPS will use their great skill set and accountability to cashing checks in the “hood; what could possibly go wrong?

    Headline, Oct 12, 2023: The postmaster general today announced the USPS lost 20 billion dollars this year cashing bad checks. Asks congress for a bailout and fee increases to cover the loss.

  2. Good thing Big Brain Kevin isn’t a scholar writing about the oil and gas industry. He’d be telling us it’s a net positive gas stations are watering down the gas and charging more for it while you get to your destination just a bit slower, but with greater consistency.

  3. The flat rate service prices have gone up, temporarily-for the holiday season, according to the local post office.
    The clerk said “everybody else raises their rates for the holidays”.
    Now we’re getting the “everybody else” argument. We are dealing with a bunch of adolescents.
    I had to tamp down my inner mom and not say: if everyone else jumped off a cliff….

  4. From a local mail carrier(one of those who is not a leftist idiot), the clerks already are too damn stupid to throw mail correctly, weigh packages, give back correct change for stamp purchases, but they’re going to be able to count out cash for checks.
    90% of USPS, including small offices are stupid leftist idiot kids with no work ethic, so my guess is 99.9% are stupid leftist idiots in big cities and mail sorting plants. That is the problem with USPS, unions and upper management that want quotas filled, especially black queers or lesbians that are promoted after the union fighting for them to keep their jobs at lower levels for stealing, doing drugs and not doing their jobs.

  5. If I mail a letter locally, it gets sent 280 miles to Las Vegas and then comes back up in the next day or two. It’s against the rules to postmark it here and stick it in the box. Unbelievably stupid.

  6. I wonder how long the USPS would be able to stay in business if they lost their letter carrier monopoly……..

  7. My current mailman is an idiot and delivers our mail late in the afternoon after 3 to 4 PM or so. He’s also constantly confusing my address with a local business one block away with the same street number. I’m becoming a regular taking misdelivered mail to that business lately. I think that the USPS hires affirmative action retards lately, they sure as heck aren’t hard working veterans like they used to be.

  8. If they can’t do well what they’re chartered to do, why would they expand?

    If you paint houses for a living, and do a shitty job of it, doesn’t it seem stupid to start doing shitty carpentry along with the shitty painting?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The way FJB is trying his best to destroy this country, I wonder if this plays into hurting those who make a living from ebay, Amazon, Etsy, etc? Hell, they destroyed so many mom and pop stores, barbershops, restaurants, bars, that they might as well go after the online seller.

  10. I’m thankful that I have a good mail carrier, although the subs are horrible, but a lot isn’t the local post office’s fault. For example I had a package coming from Texas to Oklahoma, it went straight from Texas to Iowa, which to me was already ignorant, but then in Iowa instead of sending it to Oklahoma they sent it to Los Angeles, then it went back to Texas with a lot of stops along the way according to the tracking, back to Iowa, then to Kansas, then to Oklahoma City, then to Tulsa and finally to my local post office. A package that was supposed to be hear in 3 days took almost 2 weeks. I could have driven to Texas and picked it up, round trip 13 hours.

    No matter where my packages come from, they always go through Iowa first and apparently the people in that facility are all ignorant, because they’re always sending my crap all over the place.

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