The Power of the ‘Woke Dollar’ Has Made Corporations Into Enemies – IOTW Report

The Power of the ‘Woke Dollar’ Has Made Corporations Into Enemies

PJMedia: There was a time, when Ronald Reagan was president, that large corporations were admired and celebrated as American success stories. Former Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca was a celebrity. Wall Street raiders like Michael Milken and the super-rich like T. Boone Pickens were both despised and admired at the same time.

The corporation was the epitome of free-market capitalism — American success stories. Except, even back then, they weren’t. Conservatives defended corporations from Democrats looking to tap the companies’ resources to fund their social engineering programs.

Today, corporations have about as much to do with “capitalism” and “free markets” as “Communism, Inc.” in China. They hate the free market as much as any Democrat and, indeed, support Democrats and their agenda.

That includes promoting and supporting every woke issue and policy that the liberals and elites are looking to enact. more

15 Comments on The Power of the ‘Woke Dollar’ Has Made Corporations Into Enemies

  1. My Fortune 100 company invited all employees to participate in a live Teams viewing of an NPT show on Juneteenth this Friday after donating $1M to the NAACP.

    Top that.

  2. I encourage Woke Corporations to identify themselves loudly and boldly. This informs my decisions as a consumer and investor.

    I make such decisions based upon my knowledge of a corporate entity’s culture.

    Speak up wokesters.

  3. From the article: “…On the top floor, the order of the day is now race, gender and environmental progressivism — so long as corporation tax remains low and unions weak, CEOs have no particularly affinity for conservatism or conservative parties…”

    Now, I am anti-union, but the corporations are pushing for weakening the worker’s rights, and obviously, increasing profitability and shareholder value. This is accomplished by two strategies: Importing cheap Mexican labor, and/or outsourcing your product from cheap labor countries (e.g., slave labor China).

    Trump is a populist and loves and believes in America, and as such, is opposed to those two strategies. For that reason, the so-called woke corporations (who will adopt any value system if they think it will enhance profits and shareholder value – also known as whores) hate Trump because he is a threat. And therefore, they adopt the tribal mentality of “the enemy (communism) of my enemy (Trump) is my friend.”

    It’s sick, and reflects the amoral, bordering on immoral, state of our society.

  4. There is a woke tax in that a lot of people have some corporations they absolutely will not tolerate. Starbucks is a big one for me. But I also stopped shopping at Best Buy when I learned of Muslim ties and I have an entire list of places I will never go to again. They might not care but like the NFL taking a knee, just think how profitable they’d be with the old policy Michael Jordan preached about not talking politics because Republicans buy sneakers too.

  5. You’d think P x V would be maximized when you have the MOST customers while being completely neutral. Why would I want to upset a large percentage of my customers with controversial – and irrelevant – corporate political opinions?

    Sounds like the soy MBA’s who are running these companies flunked their coursework.

  6. WRONG!

    Disclaimer I was a Ronny Dem 25 years before the name was popular. Still am.

    Ronny ’64 “Big Business, Big Labor. 1 coin 2 sides.”.

    ” The corporation was the epitome of free-market capitalism ..”
    Many felt this way – NOT RONNIE. One of the men mentioned typifies how Ron felt about big business – contrary to this quote!


    Jimma bailed out his big business by making the taxpayers responsible for its debt! So Chrysler debt was almost AAA . This “implied risk” made American Govt bonds sell at an abnormally high interest rate; because of the liability of Chrysler. Ron had a BA in Econ. Ron said the taxpayer would no longer pay if Chrysler could not! Chrysler debt became “Junk” . They could not sell new bonds at less than 25% and existing bonds crashed (Bond prices vary inversely with interest). Chrysler was in big trouble. It got taken over (“merged” into) fiat. Fiat could not solve its problems and “un merged’. Daimler then took on “merged”…..

    Lee and Ron were “good friends” up to ’82! After then Lee hated Ron, Many times in the late 80’s and 90’s he said Ron was why Chrysler did poorly in the 80’s.

    Had Jimy not bailed Lee out his big business would have been “merged” before 1984!
    What Ronny did was save taxpayers (me) $billions in interest!

    In the movie “Tucker” a major corporation used government power to keep a competitor from competing. They implied it was Republicans . In real life it was Ford. At the time only 2 clans had VOTING stock: Ford and Kenedys. The 3 Congressmen who had the government stifle competition were in reality DEM!
    Some inside baseball. Political junkies knew why Ike forced the SEC to require listed exchanges to require those selling stock to have ALL SAHRES VOTE. HE WAS GOING AFTER KENNEDY THROUGH FORD!

    More inside baseball. In ’61 when Mac was made Sec Def I was not shocked, many said they were. Mac and Kennedys spent many Board meetings together in the ’50’s.

  7. Woke-sters, whether a corporation or an individual, have no moral or historical anchor informing their decisions. They are like the description of those with no moral anchor in God: “…like smoke (being blown away)…like wax (melts) before the fire…” ~Psalm 68

    They seem like they have a plan, but it changes radically all the time. I’m very surprised the “woke” can keep up with it all.

    The biggest upset of all for many of American corporations is that for the first time in a really, really long time, they are being forced to COMPETE. I think it’s D’Souza who pointed this out very well (I think it was him).

    Especially under oblowme and the Bushes, and as far back as Clinton, one of the main goals of big corps was to become even bigger corps. The best route to that was to send in your K Street people to write legislation that expanded the regulatory industry and to regulate your competition out of business. Big corps could afford the attorneys to get around compliance. Smaller companies couldn’t afford it. It was the scheme borrowed — whole cloth — from the EU. And that is why America’s biggest brands fit so perfectly within the globalist architecture.

    Under POTUS Trump’s America First business and economic blueprint, he has freed those smaller companies of the snarl of regulation and they can compete. And they are!

    With the power of an online footprint, smaller companies can be nationally known. People have more choices.

    Mega corps are running into something they aren’t used to dealing with.

    Hire American. Buy American.

  8. Spend your money wisely and minimize business contacts
    involving commiecorps. When you buy an item from a competing capitalist firm send the ashole commies the in the leadership a copy of your reciept with an appropriate comment. If you have to pay a bit more to help the good firm think of the sting you are giving to the shits.


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