“The Preppers Were Right All Along” – IOTW Report

“The Preppers Were Right All Along”

Legal Insurrection:

Bloomberg News reports on how the prepping movement has accelerated. Back in August 2021, I wrote how I was “Prepping for the Worst,” and I’m glad I did.

One of the best moves I made was to start “Prepping for the Worst” in August 2021, after I saw how the pandemic supply chain problems and Biden’s move to unreliable ‘green’ energy put everything at risk:

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, and I’m not panicked. I’m just concerned, and thinking the unthinkable….


26 Comments on “The Preppers Were Right All Along”

  1. My son has a bug out box down cellar. He has a friend whose family owns property up north and they already planned who goes with who. We only have week’s worth of freeze dried food but have other non perishables.
    Thankfully water is easy to come by here.
    We’re buying a freezer too.

    A couple of yrs ago voters passed a bill that allows anyone who grows food to sell it.
    We’re also fortunate to have lots of growers.
    People in the cities are the ones most unprepared.

  2. We did not really “prep” in the conventional way in the past. But we did stock up on food and essentials in case of natural disaster. When I lost me job in 2009, that really carried us through the time it took me to find new work. Since then, we have done even more to prepare for disaster; for ourselves and for others who need help. We will be prepared if things go bad, but I don’t think anyone is prepared if things go REALLY bad.

  3. Been “prepping” for years, part of my/our religious culture (guess which one?).

  4. efemdy,
    “…I don’t think anyone is prepared if things go REALLY bad.”
    You do the best with what you can get, where you are, and can afford.

  5. Ammo is still hard to come by, and expensive when you can find it. Silver can be useful for barter (I have a large collection of 1964 Kennedy half dollars that I acquired as a paperboy in the 60s) – silver is easier than gold when trading.

  6. A lot of freeze-dried food, especially any protein, is mostly unavailable now.
    If you have a food dehydrator, you can do most vegetables, fruit and make some decent jerky for long term storage.

  7. Back in the mid to late 80’s my dad had gun magazine subscriptions out the wazoo. I remember one magazine was “American Survival Guide” and had all kinds of prepper articles. Back then, in my teens, I thought it was a little “out there” but I’ll be damned if they might have been on the right track.

    BTW, Internet Archive has a lot of them to download in pdf format, as well as older gun magazines.

  8. I haven’t crossed over to a genuine prepper with MRE’s yet, but I buy more than I need of dry and canned goods all the time. Even if the Apocalypse isn’t imminent, the prices aren’t going down anytime soon and we do get snowed in at some point almost every winter. And I am NEVER running out of toilet paper.

    But no bugout bag. If times get tough, we’re staying on the property –which has a spring, a big grill, and plenty of deer wandering through.

  9. It was a few months ago the MSM was circulating articles, “you might be a right-wing extremist if….”

    Having your own garden and canning vegetables were 2 things on the list.

    It’s nice to know when SHTF democrats will be the first to starve. Be sure to have plenty of lead and brass because a crazed leftist is one thing, but a starving crazed leftist is a whole other level…

    Because if one thing is for certain, a leftist can’t handle being accused of being right-wing, even a little bit. I wonder how many gardens were burned down when that article hit the wires.

    I’ve got 6 months of food stocked up and worry it’s not enough. If I’m wrong, I’ll eat it and replace it, no skin off my back. I already tear into some of it when the pantry is low, there’s some tasty shit in there.

    Oh, another thing. If you’re of an advanced age with a large food hoard, be sure to include it in your will. It’s that important.

  10. A trick I remember as a kid was my grandma always put unopened flour, farina (basically cream of wheat) and I think I remember Quaker Oats in the freezer for a week or two. Supposed to kill bug eggs. I always freeze flour and then vacuum seal the whole bag. I’ve never had weevils or anything in my flour and will store forever.

  11. Long time prepper here. I have food and supplies bought at much cheaper prices than today plus barter items. Keep the canned food rotated and use the older first. My late husband made sure we had weapons for defense and steady water supply.

  12. Alex Jones talked all about this over 20 years ago.
    Western Rifle Shooters has ALOT of info on killing
    libtards that come out of the city to TAKE your food.

  13. @ This Texan Has Had Enough

    I seriously doubt freezing will kill bug eggs. It just puts them on hold for development.

    In 36 years of pest control, Quaker Oats products were the most infested. I pretty much expect it when I’m working a pantry for pests. Indian Meal Moths being at the top that list.

  14. I have a very liberal old guy for a customer. He brings up politics all the time, so we’ve had many discussions over the last 20 years and he knows I’m conservative.

    One day he asked me what I thought about preppers. I was quite stunned he wanted to bring this up as something to criticize since his two car garage looks like a mini mart with aisles and storage racks.

    So I ask him: ‘How long do you think you can go without needing to shop for food?’

    Him: About a year.

    Me: You’re a prepper. You are prepared for hard times.

    Him: Oh no! I mean the guys with all the guns.

    Me: If things go sideways, there are a lot of parents out there willing to hurt you so they can feed their kids. And that’s just the good guys that might prey on you. How are you going to protect yourself from desperate people that will come to take your stuff?

    Him: … (no answer)


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