The President is not your Life Coach – IOTW Report

The President is not your Life Coach

Life-Coach hillary

PatriotRetort: I was tootling around the Washington Free Beacon — one of my favorite conservative websites — and I saw a report about a brief news item from this morning’s NBC Today Show about Hillary Clinton’s ever-shifting campaign messaging. And something her Campaign Manager said in the end of the news report struck me as telling. Clearly, the Clinton Campaign is under the peculiar impression that the President of the United States is supposed to act as Life Coach to the People.

Here’s the clip from the Free Beacon: more

9 Comments on The President is not your Life Coach

  1. But that seems to be the going rate with a large part of the populace…

    “She will SAVE us!”

    “He will SAVE us!”

    It’s sickening. I guess people forgot how to be Americans. And Presidents forgot how to be Presidents. And Government forgot how to be Government.

  2. Why on Earth would I want Hillary Clinton as my life coach?

    I have no interest in being a bitter old hag who’s married to a man who sleeps with everyone but me and caused the death of four of my countrymen. And maybe Vince Foster too.

  3. I don’t want any President to be my life coach. My requirements of a President, or any politician for that matter, are quite low:

    1. Do as little as possible.
    2. Don’t fuck up what little you do.
    3. Stay out of the way.
    4. Focus on national security, and leave domestic things to the private individuals who actually make things work.

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