The President of California signs climate change agreement with China – IOTW Report

The President of California signs climate change agreement with China

How is Jerry Brown not sitting on a beanbag inside a rubber room eating Jello with a spoon tied to his hand right now?

Breitbart CA:

California Governor Jerry Brown signed a new climate change agreement between the State of California and the People’s Republic of China on Tuesday.

The gesture continued Brown’s efforts to expand ties with China, as well as his diplomatic campaign to push for more action on climate change. It came in the immediate aftermath of President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords.

A statement by Gov. Brown’s office described the new agreement as follows:

Specifically, the agreement expands cooperation on the advancement of low-carbon, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies such as zero-emission vehicles, energy storage, grid modernization and low-carbon urban development. Under the agreement, California and China will also deepen their partnership and coordination on greenhouse gas emission and air pollution reduction programs, including emissions trading systems and carbon capture.

The Associated Press reports, however, that the agreement does not bind either China or California to specific greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

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36 Comments on The President of California signs climate change agreement with China

  1. Lock him up. States are specifically prohibited from making agreements with foreign nations. We formed a federal government to do this and surrendered individual state power in this area.

    Read the fuckin’ document, Mr. Brown.

  2. “By “California industry”, I guess the governor meant Porn studios.”

    Rufus, that’s about all that’s left here. Every week we hear of a major company leaving.

  3. trump will put a leash on him soon enough. haha and moonbeam won’t even see it coming. believe me, it’s coming. it’s going to be a Yuge beautiful leash.

  4. Brad, I spent a great year in Sacramento in the early 90s. Loved it, but even then the downward spiral was accelerating.

    But deport about 3 to 5 million Illegals, for starters, and Americans can re-take the state.

    When you do retake the state and reunite with the USA, you’re going to need some very strong lampposts.

  5. “He wants their electric cars….because they don’t”

    Interesting thing about those electric cars. They don’t burn gas. So they collect no revenue from our obscene gas tax that is suppose to go for infrastructure repair. But is actually going to fund the train to no where and to pay for legal defense in persons that are being deported. We don’t vote on the gas tax mind you, they just pass a bill in the state senate and impose it on us. They’ve been scream bloody murder that the electric cars are killing that source of revenue and here he is trying to expand the amount we have. They have already proposed cranking the registration fees way up on all cars. We already have the highest registrations fees in the country. Something here has got to be illegal. We have no representation for our taxation. WTF. I’m wondering how long they think the 7th, no 8th, no 9th, oh shit maybe the 30th largest economy, that they keep trying to kill to the best of their ability, can sustain itself.

  6. The treaty specifically states there are no specifics about climate change, science, global warming, pollution, carbon credits or reduction of anything except California Taxpayer wallets.

    At least Brown’s ideology is in sync with China.

  7. Absolutely. One month after that New York, 2 months after that Connecticut, three months after that Washington State, then Oregon, then Nevada. My opinion is you have no concept of the battle at hand.

  8. It’s a perfect agreement – for China. It doesn’t bind China to do anything, and China will do nothing unless it benefits China. Brown and the Democrat Party, on the other hand, have no problem selling out California citizens for nothing other than a bag of empty, vague and illusory promises.

    This is akin to playing poker with a blind man; I’ve got four aces and you have a nine high and you should trust me on this. Brown is betting California’s economy that China will sacrifice its own economic interests on some sort of vague and idiotic campaign.

  9. So China gets to officially possess the stolen technologies that its agents previously had to steal from high-tech Californian companies? I guess this might be considered improving energy efficiency and reducing costs – of China’s commercial intelligence gathering organisation.

  10. MJA
    Your half right. Jefferson will leave California. And will take our water with us. In the long run I like hearing what Jerry Brown is doing. The dude did one to many trips with Linda.

  11. Brown, this is illegal. Of course and like always, China will play California for a bunch of suckers and by far get the better deal in this “agreement.” China enters no deals that are not entirely advantageous to them. If it’s 50/50, the Chinese won’t play. What a moron

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