The President Of The World’s Leading Sponsor Of Terrorism Just Died – And The US Government Apparently Wishes He Were Still Alive – IOTW Report

The President Of The World’s Leading Sponsor Of Terrorism Just Died – And The US Government Apparently Wishes He Were Still Alive


Yesterday an Iranian government helicopter flew into the side of a mountain in northern Iran. The President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and several other government officials were killed. Today the U.S. Department of State issued a statement of condolences. The entire Security Council of the United Nations including U.S. Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, stood to pay their respects at the passing of the Iranian President.

We might as well have directed the wearing of black armbands when Osama Bin Laden was killed.

“The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran.”

U.S Department of State

Raisi was a bloodthirsty monster and hardline cleric. In the 1980’s he was part of a committee that oversaw the execution of literally thousands of political opponents of Iran’s theocracy. He went on to build an entire career as the enforcer for the mad mullahs in Tehran. He crushed protesters calling for democracy. He turned loose the power of the state on women who didn’t want to cover their hair or Iranians who simply wanted to be allowed to dance. more

23 Comments on The President Of The World’s Leading Sponsor Of Terrorism Just Died – And The US Government Apparently Wishes He Were Still Alive

  1. Governments abolished. Return to primitive, human ground state. Start over.

    This round will end catastrophically (10,000 BCE until now). They all have.

  2. He seemed nice. America should mourn his unfortunate demise. Maybe we should have coughed up a few more billion so iran could purchase aircraft from this century.

  3. There are no ‘good’ moslems. All believing moslems seek the destruction of all non moslems. There is no ambiguity in this. Read and learn. Every dead Moslem is a blessing to the world of non-moslems. Our faggot ‘leaders’ have ZERO grounding in history… or they’re playing for the other team…

  4. The snot-eating mouth-breathers in the administration have all the self-awareness of a pile of dried dog turds, especially Joey, unbassador Linda, and Sec’y Blinky.

  5. Well don’t forget, the adults are finally in charge. These people remind me of every dysfunctional nerd I’ve ever met. Including and especially BoRock. It’s revenge of the nerds and death to America.

  6. A head of state flying in a 45 year old helicopter in bad weather? This is a level of stupid that shouldn’t be possible, But then again goat fu? kers are not very smart. I see this as Devine intervention.

  7. “A head of state flying in a 45 year old helicopter in bad weather? ”

    They’re a third world repressive shit hole. That’s the most modern craft they had. ITAR regs prevent any US supplier selling them parts. Oh well. Sometimes that reverse engineering shit will kill you.

  8. Hey master head supremeo leader of Iranshitistan, Mossad’s gonna get ya…boom boom, they shot him down, boom boom, that joyous sound, boom boom, they shot that fucker down…

  9. I had a friend who was hired to train middle eastern to fly helicopters in the mid 1980s. Pay was north of a hundred grand/year. He was back home here a week later and said: Not for five times that would he ever get in another helicopter with any of them.


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