The Prize for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign – IOTW Report

The Prize for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign

Newly released memos show efforts by Hunter Biden firm to woo key law enforcement official.

Just The News: A few months after Joe Biden forced the firing of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, his son’s company Burisma Holdings courted the replacement with a promise to bring him to Washington to meet with Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 election, newly released State Department memos reveal.

Burisma’s effort to woo — through its Democrat-tied U.S. lobbying firm — newly installed Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko raised concerns at the highest levels of the U.S. embassy in Kiev, where officials tried to talk the prosecutor out of the trip given the fact he was overseeing a probe of the gas company.

“Lutsenko now likely not to go to DC with Blue Star,” senior State official George Kent wrote then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch in September 2016 after talking with Lutsenko about the bad optics of the trip.

“He got the drift,” Kent added. “Not ideal timing, little receptive audience and wrong facilitator. He said he’d figure out a better time when there would be more traction/better audience.” read more

10 Comments on The Prize for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign

  1. Am I understanding this story? Joe threatens to withhold funds to Ukraine unless the prosecutor is fired that was close to filing charges and putting Hunter in the pokey.

    The replacement prosecutor closes the investigation, thereby letting Hunter off the hook.

    Then as a reward Joe arranges a lousy meeting with Hillary. Geez, that Joe is one devious mean sob, isn’t he! To dang mean to be allowed to be president. The the prosecutor that saved Hunter’s bacon was expecting a treat reward from Joe for saving his boy, but all he got for a reward was an evil crappy trick – a meeting with Hillary. Ugh. I would view a meeting with Hillary a punishment. Not a reward for doing an appreciated service.

  2. A meeting with Hitlery is like finding a busted moral compass in yer box of Cracker Jacks, or getting a sour Brussel Sprout for dessert! Either way it just proves that yer a one-handed, slack-jawed, drooling, meatslapper for even participating in that shit show!!

  3. She was *supposed* to be president.

    Father God, if there is only one other bit of mercy you can bestow upon us, after you secure POTUS Trump’s reelection, may it be seeing justice for us, your servants, that we might witness Hillary Clinton being fitted for an orange jumpsuit with a number printed on the back of it. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


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