The Progressive Movement’s Sordid Past – IOTW Report

The Progressive Movement’s Sordid Past


The American left has perfected the art of changing the meaning of words or phrases. For example, gun confiscation is reshaped to now mean “sensible gun safety measures.” White male now means privileged. Republican and racist are now interchangeable words. Voter ID laws for fair and clean elections means voter suppression to liberals. Moreover, political violence—torching buildings and bludgeoning innocent Americans on the street is now synonymous in their lexicon, as a peaceful protest.

The American left has struggled for a long time dealing with another term: liberal. Conservatives were successful at demonizing the term when George H.W. Bush labeled his presidential opponent, Michael Dukakis as a card-carrying liberal. The term turned into a political pejorative and liability, so they went back in time and now proudly refer to themselves as Progressives. They are counting on people not researching the history about the founders of the Progressive movement.

Liberals have become skillful in revisionist history about their Party’s past, bamboozling voters along the way. They skillfully separated black people from their history ignoring the fact that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery whom pre-civil war fought hard in Congress to uphold the ugly institution. They ignore the reality that the Democratic Party opposed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the 1960s. They want voters to forget that the Ku Klux Klan was their fighting force during the post-reconstruction and Jim Crow era that enforced southern Black Codes. They are hoping voters never learn the Klan’s mission was to maintain white supremacy by violence and threats against newly freed blacks and Republicans. They hope voters are too intellectually lazy to research and discover it was the Republican Party that was founded on the principle of ending slavery and later pushed for and passed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act.  read more

10 Comments on The Progressive Movement’s Sordid Past

  1. So long as we keep hearing references to slavery, Jim Crow, demands for reparations and tearing down historic statues like it’s the fault of Conservative White men, then I think it’s more than fair to keep reminding them of their own sordid past to prevent them from re-writing history! Just as important this battle must be taken to their Knee-Pad Media who is actively promoting their Big Lies!

  2. “The Progressive Movement’s Sordid Past”

    …ain’t NOTHING compared to their sordid PRESENT…

    …and yet we’re gonna let them have a sordid FUTURE, Go figure…

  3. Great read but we are preaching to the choir.

    Without the media to help get this message out to the masses, how can we get them to see and understand what the liberals are doing?

    And as they keep getting free stuff and promises of more, the probably wouldn’t care anyway

  4. @TRF January 2, 2019 at 6:13 am

    > So long as we keep hearing references to slavery, Jim Crow, demands for reparations and tearing down historic statues

    “You dudn’t earn that”

  5. “Liberals have become skillful in revisionist history …”

    Not so much as they are absolute masters of the indoctrination of youth and the bastardization of education.
    Once they were able to commandeer the “education” establishment by the unionization, corruption, and despoliation of the “teaching” profession the whole of civilization lay at their feet.
    They aren’t particularly good liars, nor are their lies even remotely believable (by a thinking person), but the dust into which they spew their lies and blasphemies is dry of learning and destitute of knowledge – thus, it soaks up the mendacities without serious inquiry.

    Clinton, Obola, Carter, Clinton, Warren, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Dukakis, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Hoyer … take your pick – no one with an IQ over 60 is bamboozled by their bullshit. Many are enriched by subjecting themselves and our country to the lies and prevarications of the totalitarians, but they know bullshit when they smell it – and I doubt that they actually believe any of it – it’s just a path to power.
    Ocasio-Cortez may be stupid enough to believe the siren-song of socialism – but she has that natural aptitude for self-promotion that is absolutely essential in politics and will believe whatever she is told because she has no foundation to discern.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. the only confusion about the word ‘fascist’ is caused by the left using it so much as an insult. “Fasces” is a latin word referring to the collective strength of a bundle of sticks, used as an emblem for state power. The translation would be simply “collectivist”, or totalitarian government, usually empowered by ‘freebies’ and hate. Similar to ‘Nazist’ – it’s not the ‘national’ part that contained the evil.

    Avoiding the use of these words allows the left to define them – a very big mistake. Use them, and include the definition ‘collectivist / totalitarian’ for them – this neatly lumps all the socialist, (D)irtbag, islamists, and totalitarians together.

    Does anybody think civility in politics will occur if only the left uses such words? Remember that the ‘upper scum’ (D)irtbags cannot rule without the support of ignorant followers, whose only knowledge is likely to be that which is yelled the loudest.

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