The Punk Rock President – IOTW Report

The Punk Rock President

American Thinker: Middle-fingered the establishment.  Railed against “the Queen.”  Thumbed his nose at manners.  Spit on convention.  Name-called.  Talked dirty.  Fought dirty.  Fought back.  Cursed.  Infuriated the press.  Didn’t need to be liked.  Pissed on the old rules.  Made mayhem.  Made sense.

Donald Trump is the punk rock president.

Trump’s raw, paradigm-nuking candidacy was a flip of the bird to the entrenched, systemic corruption of the establishment.  He threatened the status quo and the elites in the same way punk rock threatened corporate rock and disco in the late ’70s – seeking nothing less, in both instances, than their total destruction.  Very Johnny Rotten.

The fire in the belly of punk rock is the same incendiary source that ignited Trump’s rise.  It is rooted in the rejection of a gamed system and is wedded to confrontation.  The disaffected youth of the late 1970s were surrounded by things that infuriated them: dwindling job prospects; staid, safe, bourgeois music on the radio; and a system designed to keep them down.  They were angry and insulted – and they weaponized that discontent into a powerful cultural force.  read more


22 Comments on The Punk Rock President

  1. The actual middle finger pres never got called on it, but it helped us get who we have today, let the guy with the hair try that and all hell would. Break Loose from both sides.

  2. He really is goading the fading power elite to expose what intellectually and morally bankrupt shitbags they really are. What amazes me is how such a worthless pile of turds like the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, Comey, Mueller, Pelosi, Franken, etc. ever got power in this country in the first place? How asleep at the wheel has our upper class been?

    My theory is that all this insanity has to do with the popularity of coke snorting 40 years ago. The generation of oligarchs who came of age at that time inherited immense power, wealth, and influence, but had the brains and character of your average Harlem pimp. Just look at what they did to this country.

  3. We are the punks rejecting the same-old same-old, the Man, the corrupt establishment. Trump is the gang leader.

    The progressives, communists, socialists, dummies, BLM, antifa, and RINOs are the exploding banging screeching heads.

    Love the cereal box & milk carton.


    Liberals hate that. If you live your live unapologetic, non-groveling, deaf to their criticisms, turn the tables around on them every time, the liberals have no power. All they can do is pretend to act shocked hoping everyone else is paying attention.

  5. Despite their claim of progressive-ism, the Left — and Friends of the Left — are based in a belief and value structure that leads to death and misery. If you stop to really think about conservatism, it is anchored in conserving the truly radical idea that all men and women are created equal and endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights and with equal opportunity to make of their lives what they will. Now and forever, that is as revolutionary as it gets in a world that still, today, prefers engineered societies and preordained outcomes.

    (Why can’t writers just use appropriate words instead of coming up with inadequate metaphors?)

  6. From the article: “But while it spit its discontent with the wild-eyed fervor of youth, punk rock, like so many contra-movements, never had an idea what might replace the corrupted system it railed against. This is true in politics as well: when you change regimes without a cogent plan, anarchy may ensue.”

    Oh, hells bells! I was forced to read the rest to see where the writer was going with this. It’s such an easy thing to understand and this guy still doesn’t get it.

  7. That is going to be the problem for Dems – Trump is going to be much more refined and prepared for 2020. And only Trump can pull off being Trump. It doesn’t work for anyone else.

  8. I like to think of him more in terms of the “Grass or
    Gravel” president.
    We can do this the easy way (grass) or hard (gravel) way. Makes no difference to me, but in terms of fairness, I’ll give you options.

  9. Punk rock may have appeared to be a happenstance reactionary phenomenon rivaling an opressive status quo, yet in fact it was much more. It was a coordinated, stategic assault against a system determined to quell individuality. And, just like Punk rock, Mr. Trump turned political correctness on its head and stomped on it.

  10. Squad Leader, you are correct. Read one of Steve Bannon’s favorite books, GENERATIONS by William Strauss and Neil Howe, and you will understand that punk rock was a cultural reaction to the pompous and brainwashed baby boomers who were beginning to assimilate political power. The book was written in 1991 and predicted that a “social moment”, or crisis, would occur at this time. We are living it.

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