The pushback will be glorious, especially in those boots! – IOTW Report

The pushback will be glorious, especially in those boots!

Patriot Retort: Yesterday video footage of an illegal alien following Senator Kyrsten Sinema into the ladies room and hectoring her over not supporting Biden’s Fuck Up Faster agenda went viral on Twitter. And while most people expressed disgust over it – and with reason, it was disgusting – I found myself smiling imagining the inevitable pushback.

Newton’s Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

See, I’m of a mind that these assholes are pushing Sinema too far and, because it’s science, there will be pushback. The way I see it, these little shits, not to mention the little shits in the Squad, are going to piss her off so much, Kyrsten leaves the Democrat Party completely and signs on as an Independent.

I don’t think she’ll go so far as to join the Republican Party. Kyrsten Sinema is still a Liberal, after all. But I think they’ll push her hard enough to force her clean out of the Democrat Party, and thereby deprive the Democrats of their razor-thin majority in the Senate.

I could be wrong. Maybe Sinema has a higher threshold for asshole behavior than I have. But it seems to me chasing her into the bathroom and shouting at her while filming it all might be a bridge too far even for her. more

21 Comments on The pushback will be glorious, especially in those boots!

  1. “Kyrsten leaves the Democrat Party completely and signs on as an Independent”

    I’ve heard this postulated before on other sites even before this little display. Maybe but it won’t make a bit of difference.

    The two sitting “Independents” are old school politicians who have a long standing base of reliable donors. Sinema has no existing base. They also caucus with the Dems and vote with them almost 100 percent.

  2. Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome.
    Favorite pick-up line: Hay Babe!

  3. Pretty sure she knows where the money is.

    One cannot be a Demonrat and possess principles – it is a conflict of insurmountable proportions.

    She DOES look good in the boots (especially in a short skirt w/o panties) but she can be no other than what she is.

    “Why, on the whole, thou’rt
    What thou art.
    Set wigs of million curls upon thy head,
    To raise thee
    Wear shoes an ell in height, –
    The Truth betrays thee,
    And thou remainest – what thou art.”
    (“Faust,” Goethe)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. She won’t change or learn a damned thing about the type of people she hangs around with.
    Did she ever try to stop these types of people from harassing Trumps staff or supporters?

    And frankly, any descent Hooker would find a sexier CFM Boot to strut.

  5. Ah yes….
    Reminds me of the 6-Sigma days back in good old Peoria.
    [E.G. can’t even take a dump without 6-Sigma deciding it’s necessary}
    Anyway, they identify as femdoms created by the demoncrats so it’s OK to enter the ladies room.

  6. The husk, in his eternal wisdom has informed us commoners that “this is part of the process”. I wonder if he or Chuckles Schumer or Granny designer ice cream would feel the same way if the shoe were on the other foot? Oh, the horror!!!


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