The quarantine’s impact on America’s mental health – IOTW Report

The quarantine’s impact on America’s mental health


WASHINGTON: Whether it is the inability to see friends and family.  Or even see the facial expressions of a “neighbor” in the grocery store, the COVID-19 quarantine is taking a toll on America’s mental health. Particularly after nearly four years of Democrats assault on America via the Russia Hoax, the Mueller Report, the Kavanaugh hearings, and Impeachment.

Democrats tricks and tropes now continue with Nancy Pelosi holding up the help that millions of Americans are relying on to keep their families fed.  If we can find food in the grocery store in the coming weeks. However, the non-stop partisan bickering of Pelosi, Schumer, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, to name but a few, is more than a normal person can take.

Democrats, led by Pelosi holding up the relief programs by padding them with pork for their constituents, donors and themselves, has led to increased financial insecurity.

Democrats, however, are not the only ones benefiting from the stimulus programs. Though they are benefitting greatly. The CARES act includes $25 million to “support the House’s capability to telework,” including equipment purchases and improvements to the network. read more

12 Comments on The quarantine’s impact on America’s mental health

  1. A second way of Dishonouring Gods Name is, by swearing, and that is of two sorts, either by false Oathes, or else by rash and light ones. A false Oath may also be of two kinds, as first, that by which I affirm somewhat, or secondly, that by which I promise. The first is when I say such or such a thing was done so or so, and confirm this saying of mine with an Oath; if then I know there be not perfect truth in what I say, this is a flat perjury, a downright being forsworn: Nay, if I swear to the truth of that whereof I am only doubtful, though the thing should happen to be true, yet it brings upon me the guilt of Perjury; for I swear at a venture, and the thing might for ought I knew be as well false as true, whereas I ought never to swear to any thing, the truth of which I do not certainly know.

    The Whole Duty of Man

  2. Something is weird on the web.
    No search results for what was being thought about.
    It must have not existed.
    There was this guy that didn’t kill himself that everybody else said did.
    Anyways, Joe didn’t either, yet.

  3. Yeah, some people in public are screwed up, but the ones with nice smiles are the ones that we miss.

    The ones we see when we pick up that gallon of milk, six pack, produce or other at our regular stop, the familiar grocery store.

    I told that to ‘vic’ last night and to ‘patti’ this morning at the store each time.

    No smiles can be seen behind a mask.

    That is not good for basic human psyche.

    If you hear a tree fall in the forest, with your ‘mask’ on, is there anyone to see it? Or god forbid, gasp and send particulates out?

  4. If a study is done, it would be good to separate it by region. I would bet that it would be divided across party lines.
    Democrats that believe the media would be more likely to represent the depressed and all is lost, because that is what the Democrats want. To be fearful, lost, the belief in massive racism…etc, and to see “them” as the “holy savoir” of all things. For this is the path to Socialism.
    Capitalism, self reliance, the belief that “YOU” can succeed if you work at it, these things are the enemy of Socialism. In turn less likely to be depressed.
    Just my ¢¢.

  5. In the grocery store the other day, I saw an older woman who would almost press herself into the shelves whenever someone else walked past her. She definitely looked frightened. Maybe she’s one of those elusive CNN viewers…

  6. There’s a reason gov’ts use terror.

    A terrorized population is thoroughly sheeple-i-fied – it will run from cover to cover in panicked rage, reduced to two-dimensional thinking, or, rather, two-dimensional reacting.
    Duck and cover. Our cities have become terrorized mobs – fearful of their own shadows – and the multitudes of things unseen. They skulk and groan because they can’t reason their way out of their fear – the “experts” are continuously blaring at them to not only be afraid, but to stay afraid – to trust NO ONE but the self-appointed “expert” himself (herself) and eschew any reasonable or intellectual sequential thought. Confuse, scatter, divide, conquer.
    Easier to kill (both metaphorically and actually) individuals than armies.
    When the Spartans massacred the Thebans (just as the Japanese did the Chinese 25 centuries later) they divided them into lots of 10. Why 10? Doable? I don’t know – there’s no indication of the reasoning behind the numbers, only the facts of the massacres. Point is: it’s a tried and true method – and we’ve fallen for it just like all the rest of em!

    How do you get 6 million Jews to PAY THEIR OWN FARES and STAND IN LINE to board the trains taking them to death camps in Poland?
    You terrorize them out of their senses!

    Monkey see; monkey do.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I go to the store with no mask and waive and smile at everyone. Most people seem pleasantly surprised. On another note, my nine-year-old grandson is starting to get depressed. He’s a kid! He needs to be out playing with other kids. This is insanity!

  8. I don’t wear a mask. About 1/2 of the people in the stores I go to don’t wear masks. It’s really uplifting when I smile at someone, I can see them smile back and the guys do their head nods.

    I wave at people walking and always get a wave back (usually no masks). I stop for iced tea at whatever fast food joint I pass. Only one time the pick-up window employee had a mask and made me drop the money in a tray. Otherwise, smiles and “have a nice day”.

    Yesterday, I went out for no reason except to break house arrest. Lots of cars in my little town. Almost like normal.

    Now, just waiting for my favorite diner to open. It has regular customers that the wait staff interact with. I go about once a week just to watch all the senior citizens (ok, I’m one of them!) gather to meet with friends. Many of the guys wear their Army/Air Force/Marine/etc hats. I love them all.

    I miss going to church. Yes, I watch the service videos filmed without a congregation. It’s just not the same. Talking to my friends on the phone is just not the same as being there.

    What was this about? Oh, yeah. Mental health. Our Democrat overlords are enjoying this. They need to pay for what they are doing. I think they will when November comes and they are out of a job. Pray for fair elections across the United States. We must defete voter fraud and Democrats.

  9. America’s mental health is tenuous, at best.
    Seems to be a core of mentally healthy (mentally athletic, in fact) people surrounded by millions upon millions of the mentally ill (in CA, OR, WA, MI, ME, MA, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA …) – literally surrounded.

    Seem to be Satanic influences at work, but to say so out loud is to invite suspicion – so let’s just say that our time is fraught with peril – and leave it at that. The demons are no longer hiding behind their masks of tolerance and good will – they are expressly cursing and condemning those who believe in God, those who believe in Life, those who believe in American Constitutionalism, and (surprisingly) those who just want to be left in peace.
    Vaguely reminiscent of some other groups throughout History.

    Ah, well …

    izlamo delenda est …


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