The Queen DID Back Brexit After All – IOTW Report

The Queen DID Back Brexit After All

Breitbart: In the months up until Britainโ€™s vote on European Union membership, much was made of leaked details of a lunch with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, with the Sun newspaper declaring loudly that the monarch supported the idea of Britain leaving the EU.


The rumours sparked controversy as Remain campaigners questioned the source of the story, while fingers were pointed at Cabinet ministers who may have leaked the information to attempt to bolster support for the Leave campaign.

At the time, Buckingham Palace press officers denied the story, as is usual for a situation where a reigning monarch is dragged into a political debate.

But now a BBC journalist has confirmed the Sunโ€™s story, claiming that she also had heard the news, though could not report it as she only had a single source for the claim.

5 Comments on The Queen DID Back Brexit After All

  1. Too Late. She should have backed Enoch Powell in 1968. That would have prevented the fucking mess they are in today. God Bless the Queen, if that’s how you feel about her. But her son, Phillip, is a mussie lover. England is phucked!

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