The question remains: Where are the Benghazi survivors? – IOTW Report

The question remains: Where are the Benghazi survivors?

Liberty Unyielding

One of the most basic unanswered questions remaining after the horrific attack in Benghazi on Sept 11, 2012 surrounds the Americans who survived that night.

About three weeks after the terror attack, a father of one of the survivors, Rex Ubben, said “people understood ‘mistakes and lack of foresight do happen,’ but, ‘to attempt to delay or cover information up, upcoming election or no, might put other people’s lives at risk and fools no one.’”

Further, he said his son David “described the violence on Sept. 11 as ‘obviously an attack and not a riot.’” But few of the other survivors have been interviewed or identified. Where are they? There have been some little-noticed, but striking allegations made surrounding the Benghazi survivors.

In December 2012, Rep. Jason Chaffetz said,

“My understanding is that we still have some people in the hospital. I’d like to visit with them and wish them nothing but the best but the State Department has seen it unfit for me to know who those people are—or even how many there are.”



19 Comments on The question remains: Where are the Benghazi survivors?

  1. When asked about the survivors of the Benghazi attack, the networks responded, “dude, that was like two years ago. They’re all healed now.”

  2. They know all out the survivors, and they would tell you exactly where they are if you would just ask the right question. They are o.. LOOK, SQUIRREL!

  3. I’m got a felling that Kerry is going to have a slip and fall and his meeting before the committee will be delay indefinitely.

    Running out the clock is a game well played by this administration.

  4. Dude, like what difference, at this point, does it matter? Maybe there were some Mooslim Dudes out for, like, a stroll who, like, heard about this video and, like, decided to stage a protest, and it, like, got out of hand. OK. Like, this protest kind of holds the whole theme together.

  5. Look how self-deprecating Li’l O’ is from the correspondent’s dinner. See how humorous he is in front of a crowd (friendly). Uh, did ya hear the one about how Foxnews will miss him and Hillary is from Kenya. Obama, Obama, Obama!

    Phrases about Benghazi: Leaky water pistol (Anita Dunne); “I knew Ambassador Stevens” (Van Commie Jones, going for the Lloyd Benson); and the view from Meet The Press that it’s a “vocal radical minority” leading the Benghazi lynching. In other words, cover yourself, ’cause the crap is hitting the fan.

  6. Top topic on Meet the Press today? The White House Correspondents Dinner and Donald Sterling.

    So much for politics.

    Under an administration called the most openly hostile to the press in history, never before have so many celebrated so much for doing so little.

  7. What happened to the survivors?

    Lets see, Susan Rice got promoted, Hillary Clinton retired with benefits, and Barak Obama kept his job after perpetrating this lie, from late night television to the podium of the U.N.

  8. It was a full two years ago, or longer, that Glenn Beck claimed that Bengazi was a funnel for weapons to Syrian rebels. I haven’t heard him repeat it since. Makes Fast and Furious look like a day in the park.

    Maybe someone phoned Glenn with a warning, “SHUT UP OR DIE”. Probably Eric Holder aka Steadman.

  9. @Mohammed’s Pink Swastika,
    Sir, On the whole I do agree with you, except for your assumption that Harry Reid has/had a conscience. It is possible that he was never trained to obey that small voice telling him right from wrong. He could be amoral.

  10. There are more than a few survivors of Benghazi. Where are they? Where ARE they? WHERE are they? Where are THEY? I call it “The Mystery of the Missing Benghazi Survivors”. – No one can stay shut up as good has they have. No one.

  11. Dumbplumber – Beck had an entire “For the Record” episode about this this past Wednesday night. And the day after a general admitted to Chaffetz that they knew it wasn’t because of a video, he said, “We’ve been saying this was about gun running since the third day after this happened.”

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