The Race For Speakership – IOTW Report

13 Comments on The Race For Speakership

  1. Is there no actual conservative going to run for the spot? I didn’t read whether Gohmert had thrown his hat in but the others mentioned seemed to be clones of Boehner. The comments were a good read as well.

  2. Here in MO we had a chance to become a “Right to Work” state by overcoming the socialist’s veto but failed because 20 “Republican” reps sided with the communists and unionists.

    THAT is the state of the “Republican” party.

    Sell you out for a bowl of rice.

  3. People keep floating this line, but was that really it? Seems not to me. He resigned after meeting with the Pope. Maybe it was a prophetic incident? if so I look for an even worse “leader” in his place and full speed ahead on the NWO and splitting Jerusalem UN agendas sigh..

    >>House Speaker John Boehner’s abrupt resignation Friday — after an insurrection by grassroots activists infuriated at the failure of Washington Republicans to thwart President Barack Obama

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