‘The racism is only happening on the government level and in the media’ – IOTW Report

‘The racism is only happening on the government level and in the media’

We need more men like this guy! <— Watch!

14 Comments on ‘The racism is only happening on the government level and in the media’

  1. “The US is being run by the criminal minority ”

    I disagree. We are being ruled by the NWO. Same as Canada. Same as most of Europe. Definitely same as Australia. The NWOs big problem is they haven’t figured out how to confiscate your firearms yet. That ultimately won’t stop them. So get prepared for what’s coming. It’s going to get bloody.

  2. OK, I stand corrected, the free world (yeah right, free world) is being run by the criminal minority. Y’all better get yourselves a pallet of whiskey. A bottle might be better currency than a $100 bill before long.

  3. joe6pak
    Well in all fairness that is your link. LOL. How far is the Western World willing to go to get us to submit? Here’s a thought, the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, don’t work for any American entity. They work for the NWO.

  4. Can you imagine participating in a genuinely peaceful protest over government policies and overreach and then find out you’ve been blasted by a LRAD, (Long Range Acoustic Device), that causes all kinds of physical problems. And it’s your government and the authorities that launched this weapon on you? I’ve got a couple good friends in Australia but I’m concerned about contacting them for fear I’d cause them to be investigated.

  5. EXCELLENT! Bravo. Highly motivated, intelligent speech. Awesome citizen and father. So proud of him!

    This man susincinctly identifies the enemies of liberty and freedom. The encroaching socialist doctrine strategically focused on destroying The United States by collapsing the nuclear family structure designed by God,
    which is still defined by the union of Adam and Eve and their offsring.

    Unfortunately, the left have very successful fracturing many families, but it only takes a remnant of righteous men like this father to blow up the enemies strongholds. There is hope, thanks to the Godly men fighting the Good Fight.


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