The Racist Origin of America’s Gun Control Laws – IOTW Report

The Racist Origin of America’s Gun Control Laws

From the New American: A freed slave and tenant farmer, Roda Ann Childs of Griffin, Georgia, testified on September 25, 1866 before the Freedman’s Bureau in her state of what happened when eight armed men barged into her home one evening:

We were called upon one night, and my husband was demanded; I said he was not there. They then asked where he was. I said he was gone to the watermelon patch. They then seized me and took me some distance from the house, where they “bucked” me down across a log, stripped my clothes over my head, one of the men standing astride my neck, and beat me across my posterior, two men holding my legs. In this manner I was beaten until they were tired…  more

5 Comments on The Racist Origin of America’s Gun Control Laws

  1. “Gun control” or better “Weapons control” has always … ALWAYS been about controlling the population. NEVER about saving lives or any of that other horseshit they spew. Charlemagne (the old dead French dude) would not allow his people to possess pikes (long sharpened sticks) to defend themselves against Norse invaders because he was afraid they’d become aware of their own ‘collective’ power and grow to be a pain in his ass. It was better, for his way of thinking, to let the Norse have the Northern part of his Kingdom, and kill his peasants at will, rather than allow those peasants to get ‘uppity.’

    plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose …

    (I don’t know Paris-talk, I copied and pasted that)

  2. Very good article, Cardigan. The intro into that story is shocking! Very well written article, unlike any I have seen in my 30 or so years as an NRA member.

    “…that there is no appeal from his master; that his power is in no instance, usurped;…” boy, does that sound familiar for some reason.

    I’m bookmarking this for later reference.

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