The RAISE Act: Ending “Immigration as a Welfare Program” – IOTW Report

The RAISE Act: Ending “Immigration as a Welfare Program”

Patriot Retort: Did you watch President Trump’s press conference on the RAISE Act?

If not, here it is:

In 1965, thanks to that fat, wretched Ted Kennedy, America’s immigration laws were transformed into a Welfare Program for the World.

Instead of only inviting those who could support themselves and actually contribute to our economy, we gave priority to unskilled, no-skilled, uneducated poor people from third world countries.

But immigration was never intended to be an international Welfare Program.

Yet that is exactly what it’s become.

According to a 2015 study 51% of immigrant households use at least one welfare program. That includes Medicaid, cash benefits, food stamps or housing.

This is compared to 30% among those native born Americans.

The highest use of Welfare programs among immigrants are found among those from third world countries. And that includes a whopping 73% of immigrants from Central America and Mexico.

But for those from Europe, East Asia and South Asia it is much lower (26%, 32% and 17% respectively).



12 Comments on The RAISE Act: Ending “Immigration as a Welfare Program”

  1. As a nation, we are BANKRUPT! Why in the hell are we allowing people to come to this country and go on welfare? Get so pissed going into SS office and having the least expensive car in the parking lot. Furious going into grocery store and seeing all those immigrants pay their bills with EBT cards then driving off in customized Escalades.

  2. Put a maximum limit on lifetime welfare. I say 5 years. That is enough time to have a child, get some support, and look for a job.

    How did people exist w/o welfare for 1000s of years? Family, charity, churches. If they don’t want to take care of you, then you suffer like millions of people did before you. The next generation learns from your suffering to graduate from school and get a job.

  3. Super Patriot,

    When my nephew was 5 we told him he was gonna go to college so he could get a good education.

    He’s 15 now, and I won’t let him anywhere near a college (leftist shithole indoctrination centers).

    He’s either gonna learn how to make shit (trade school), or break shit (military trade school), but he’s not going to any left-wing institution.

    In my opinion, this “go to school, get an education, and get a job” crap is finished.

  4. Tsunami, i never agreed with the thinking that kids MUST attend college or university directly out of high school. I didnt, and my sons waithed also. Kids fresh out of HS are youngs skulls full of mush and those profs love to turn them to libs. Need to work a coup[le years, then go to the U or trade schools.

  5. I remember as a teen in the 70’s my dad and uncle ranting about the southeast asians they were importing and just dumping welfare and housing on. Phuckers school age didn’t even have to go to school, so they were sent to the river to use gill nets (illegal) all day, the kids couldn’t come home till they had a 5 gallon pail full of fish.

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