The Rape of Britain – IOTW Report

The Rape of Britain

FrontPageMag: On May 25, 2018, Tommy Robinson was standing outside the courthouse in Leeds, England, microphone in hand, reporting live on the trial of several Muslims for child rape, when, without prior warning, he was arrested for breach of peace, hustled into a van, and, within the space of four hours, tried, convicted, and sentenced to thirteen months’ incarceration – not, curiously enough, for breach of peace but for contempt of court. Conveyed tout de suite to the prison in Kingston upon Hull, he spent much of the next year and a half in and out of lockup, undergoing physical and psychological torment while behind bars and the rankest of forensic malpractice while at the so-called bar of justice.

And why did all this happen? Here’s why. Islam teaches its adherents that (1) they’re in a state of constant war with the infidel and (2) sex with minors (as demonstrated by the fact the prophet Muhammed took his wife Aisha’s virginity when she was nine) is permissible; consequently, Muslim men have every right to molest the children of the infidel at will. As Islamic communities established themselves in major English cities, Muslim rape gangs, known as “grooming gangs,” took root. Eventually, thousands upon thousands of non-Muslim girls, almost all of them members of the working class, would be victimized by these gangs, not just once apiece but repeatedly, in most case over a period of years.

British police, social workers, and journalists are known to have been aware of this phenomenon for decades. But instead of addressing it fully and responsibly – which, they know, would have required mass arrests and prosecutions of prominent Muslims, and frank media coverage of these transgressions as well as of their roots in Islamic doctrine, all of which in turn would almost certainly have led to social tumult on a dangerous scale – these parties chose to do and say nothing. And when confronted with a single individual who refused to play along – a working-class bloke who insisted on shouting from the rooftops both about these offenses and the official policy of silence and subterfuge – they knew what they had to do: vilify him, smear him, find crimes to charge him with, lock him up and hope that Muslim fellow inmates would do the rest. Or, failing that, hope that after he’d endured a certain amount of persecution, he’d break down, or give up, and crawl away into a hole and keep his mouth shut. read more

13 Comments on The Rape of Britain

  1. I’m not even going to get into this. We all know how this needs to be dealt with, but it’s nothing that can be discussed in a very public forum.

    …just remember that a pedophile will not stop until he’s dead.

    Nothing else stops them.

    Nothing at all.

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  3. The state religion of the UK in the Church of England, headed by the Queen. As they had historically criminalized Roman Catholicism and all Dissenters, they should do the same to Islam, declaring it a false religion. Perhaps the next king will do so.

  4. @SNS February 9, 2022 at 10:46 am

    > We all know how this needs to be dealt with, but it’s nothing that can be discussed in a very public forum.

    Well, I’ll go there.

    How many of these “victims” are *now* willing to overthrow, and insist on retribution, for the feminism that brought them here? How many of their mothers?

    See? Nobody cares.


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