The Real Anthony Fauci Movie – IOTW Report

The Real Anthony Fauci Movie


If you think Fauci’s COVID ‘treatments’ are disgusting, Wait until you see what he did with AIDS.

Fauci is a demon.

12 Comments on The Real Anthony Fauci Movie

  1. This motherfucker was an evil bastard bureaucrat for a bunch of presidents.
    He was so entrenched it’s hard to blame President Trump for not firing the little douche-bag prick.
    I wish he had.

    When Trump gets control again he better go SCORCHED FUCKING EARTH!!!

  2. Great thumbnail pic, BTW.
    That should be the look he gives prior to my right fist breaking the right orbital bone is his little punk-assed bureaucrat, duplicitous face.

  3. “When Trump gets control again he better go SCORCHED FUCKING EARTH!!!”

    All the government criminals reaching back to H.W. know that. That’s why they ALL want him crucified, from the Clinton’s to the Biden’s and all of the hidden players, as well.

  4. @General Malaise: The criminal corruption runs deep in the Democrat and Republican parties. I too, Like you and LocoBlancoSaltine, want Trump to go Scorched Fucking Earth on ALL the criminals that for selfish reasons are destroying our wonderful country.

  5. I was a frontline medic when AIDS was just becoming a thing, and yes, they tried to tell the EXACT SAME LIES. Difference is, the medical establishment didn’t buy into it because EVERYONE, from the lowest responder to the loftiest pediatric heart surgeon, knew better…and “Obamacare” didn’t own the doctors yet.

    It also helped that the media only inflated it enough until they got public funds to pay for “gay men’s health crisis”, but stopped short of panic porn to keep from stigmatizing homos.

    But it is not surprising that Fauci repeated this. He is of the devil, and the devil is not creative, he can only repeat.

    But repeating works for him because men forget.

    And men forget because the devil teaches each generation to disrespect its parents.

    …so here we are. The same evil from the same demon in a new generation, and we do nothing.

    He exists and prospers yet for one reason and one reason only.

    Because we are a disgrace to our forefathers.

  6. Fired?

    Yeah, Josef Mengele shoulda been fired, too.
    More like retired to live out his evil, sordid life rich as Croesus and having damaged and killed more people than Mengele ever dreamed of killing and maiming.

    Hell will be a bit darker when Fauci arrives.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I read the book, which is a slog, and had to put it down at times because it was physically nauseating to try to comprehend the level of evil in this man –and others and the whole system. And the level of cowardice in so many professionals along the way who went along. Then reading of the few who did speak out, and how their careers and souls were crushed was sickening too.

    It’s an important book but hard to recommended people subject themselves to it. Maybe the movie will get the message across quicker but I suspect we will have to see the faces of the puppies and orphan children he killed in his experiments.

    Bring tissues, not popcorn, to the screening.

  8. The blood on Fauci’s hands, can’t compare to the river of blood he’s responsible for causing. Hell is the perfect place for this unrepentant, evil murderous demoniac.


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