The real CIA – IOTW Report

The real CIA

American Thinker:

The CIA’s involvement in the Steele dossier fraud and its use of college professor agents against the Trump campaign were cartoonish.  The dossier reads as though it was written late in the evening after a few drinks. 

The current CIA whistleblower operation is dramatically more sophisticated.  The written complaint was obviously put together by teams of experts.  It’s all nonsense, but it’s excellent nonsense.  There’s sloppiness — the inspector general got caught altering whistleblower procedures to grease the wheels for this operation, as discovered by Sean Davis at the Federalist.  But the CIA is evolving and becoming better at operations against American political targets.  I give the agents a tip of the hat for their professional improvement.

The CIA is far from being the murderous threat of a KGB or Gestapo, and its tactics so far have been weasely, assaulting our democratically elected leadership with sneakiness and innuendo.  Nevertheless, its attacks on President Trump have been the most significant attacks our president has faced.  CIA employees have no intention of assassinating Donald Trump, but they do seek to assassinate his presidency.

The CIA’s founders would be horrified.  They insisted as a condition of the CIA’s founding in 1947 that it was not to be a KGB or a Gestapo that preyed upon its own citizens.  The CIA was forbidden from targeting Americans or running operations in the United States.  Yet here we have the unthinkable: a CIA officer working an intelligence operation against the president, within the White House.  read more

12 Comments on The real CIA

  1. Not murderous?… Tell that to Seth Rich. He had to die to keep the “Russian hackers” bullshit alive. These CuntIA motherfuckers will kill little people all day, happily, to bring down their target. They learned from the Kennedy assassination not to go after domestic targets that are too well known. It just makes martyrs.

  2. the CIA has just removed any and all doubt of their planning and involvement in the assassination of JFKennedy with this recent endeavor.
    the current CIA is the Creature from the Black Lagoon

  3. Trumans’ Executive Order created the CIA.
    Trumps’ must send it to the scrapyard.
    History has a funny way of twisting around
    similar names with actions.
    Truman (done in good faith)
    Trump (an ending to a game)

  4. they are the keystone cops compared to Russian Intelligence. I understood they were only to operate outside the USA but they’ve been weaponized against US citizens in an area where they were not to operate. Thats what the FBI was for.

    edit: LOL, just saw extirpates post.

  5. The CIA’s founders would be horrified. They insisted as a condition of the CIA’s founding in 1947 that it was not to be a KGB or a Gestapo that preyed upon its own citizens. The CIA was forbidden from targeting Americans or running operations in the United States.

    Fake history. Look into the “molehunts” of James Jesus Angleton (ex-OSS and one of the CIA’s founders) and William King Harvey (who moved from the FBI to the CIA). Their operations most assuredly targeted Americans and took place in the U.S.

  6. @Uncle Al. I read Wild Bill Donovan, by Douglas Waller. what a story. He formed the OSS. That stated that when the new CIA was formed out of the OSS it was to operate outside the US. Obviously they ignored that directive by pursuing spys inside the US

  7. @Charlie WalksonWater – Wild Bill was an incredible man. Among other singular achievements he is the only soldier to be awarded the four highest military decorations, including the Medal of Honor.

  8. it dawned on me while listening to Adam Shiff’s badly-written screenplay about the Trump call to the Ukrainian President that they’re all a bunch of Tom Clancy novel wanna-bees … either the writer or his characters


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