The Real Deal: Truth From an Ex-Con – IOTW Report

The Real Deal: Truth From an Ex-Con

LO: I am a certified mental health peer specialist here in New York City, specializing in forensics. I work with gang members , people coming out of jails, prisons, homeless shelters and other forms of socially maladaptive behaviors.

Prior to.this,  I was also a gang member and I existed in the same environments of those that I aim to help today.

It has been a long, hard journey back to sanity and humanity.  That journey has been fraught with set backs, challenges, and struggles far too many to mention here .

My time in prison was not easy. I had to survive among some of the most vile people in our society. I’ve been beaten to a pulp, stabbed repeatedly, sexually abused by twisted and corrupt  prison guards who get off on perversion.

I’ve witnessed rapes, sexual assaults, stabbings and death.  I’ve shared my cell with rats, cockroaches and other things I don’t care to mention here.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I took those harsh experiences as lessons on what it felt like to be on the receiving end of the pain and trauma that I inflicted on the lives of the innocent people that I went after.  Karma it seems is a real bitch……

I was determined to return back to my community and make it safer for those living in it.  Instead of being the problem, I wanted to be part of the solution.

I will remember those officers and inmates who saw the good in me and protected me.  They are why I am here today to do my part.

I will tell the truth to young people about the terrifying experiences I had to endure.

And that gang banging  and living outside of the law has grave consequences.  MORE HERE

7 Comments on The Real Deal: Truth From an Ex-Con

  1. I think honest people who want to clean up their communities are more in fear of the politicians than the thugs. Many of the politicians that hold office in those areas like things just the way they are.
    Just look at Maxine Waters as an example.

  2. Wow!!!!

    As a former Psychoogist, Pastor, and Counselor I loved one word he used – and it is essential to understand what the mental health field used to treat:

    MALADAPTIVE BEVIOR! One way of defining maladaptive behavior would be to say that it is a type of behavior that inhibit a person’s ability to adjust to a particular situation. The individual falls into these behaviors in an attempt to escape discomforts in life.

    Our whole lives should be based on adaptive behavior – it’s what America was built on but it seems as if our whole society today is one stinking, steaming, heap of maladaptive behavior.

    Addictions, faggotry, child abuse, sjw, trigger warnings – you get it.

  3. “communities are more in fear of the politicians than the thugs” True that. Was asleep upstairs, guarding house in blackish neighborhood. Middle of the night, startled awake by thug trying to break in. Chambered round, 45-70, called 911. Immobilized with fear. Afraid of what the police, media, and DA would put me thru. Cop was only a block away. Said black burglar could outrun O.J.

  4. I’ve actually seen “Black Lives Matter” and “Resist” signs on well-appointed houses nestled in the hills or in small towns of very white Vermont. They haven’t got a clue. As usual.


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