The real reason progressives don't like gasoline – IOTW Report

The real reason progressives don't like gasoline

Via Common Cents

This has to be seen to be believed –

30 Comments on The real reason progressives don't like gasoline

  1. I can’t believe that she had to walk to the other side of the car to actually SEE that it was on the other side – THREE TIMES!

    I think she still would be there driving ’round and ’round if that other car hadn’t pulled up.

  2. I’m surprised that she can pump gas by herself. If she moved to Oregon or New Jersey some kid who’s paid minimum wage would pump the gas for her and laugh at the same time because she’s so stupid she doesn’t know which side of the car the filler cap is on. Can you imagine how much trouble she had if she was driving a 57 Chevy with the gas filler behind the rear tail light.

  3. Man, I hate it when that happens!
    I tried to get gas and the same damn thing happened to me – every time I pulled up to the pump, the damned fill thingy was on the wrong side. There were, like, six islands at the station, and EVERY FUKKIN ONE WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE!

    The SS guys had to take over and drive me home cuz, by that time, I was foaming at the mouth and screaming obscenities.

    They said I needed to lay off the catawba beans.

  4. Stunning, indeed, BFH. That such cluelessness exists…!

    This wouldn’t help her or her ilk, but I’ve often wondered why auto makers haven’t standardized (voluntarily, of course!) which side of the car the gas cap is on. My preference would be to put the gas always on the same side as the steering wheel (that would take care of left-hand places like the UK, Japan, and USVI.

    I drive a VW. It was designed by Germans specifically for sale in the US. In both countries, you drive on the right. But I have to drive on the “wrong” side of the pump island to fill up. Why?

    I almost sent this in as a rant but, honestly, it is only a mild annoyance.

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