‘The real scandal’: FBI informant report fuels Obama spying claims – IOTW Report

‘The real scandal’: FBI informant report fuels Obama spying claims

WaTimes: The FBI used a female informant to try to pry information from a Trump campaign adviser during the 2016 elections, The New York Times reported Thursday, fueling allegations that the Obama administration spied on a political opponent.

The woman was deployed to meet with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the campaign, at a London bar as part of the FBI’s investigation into alleged coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign, the newspaper reported.

“There is a word for this in the English language: spying,” said Brad Parscale, Mr. Trump’s campaign manager for the upcoming election. “For two years, Democrats and their allies in the media have lied to the American people about the Russia collusion hoax, when all along the real scandal was the Obama administration using the Justice Department to spy on a political adversary’s campaign.”

Papadopoulos said Thursday he’s not sure the woman, who gave her name as “Azra Turk,” was FBI. He figures she was more likely CIA, who he said was probably working with Turkish intelligence.

He said Ms. Turk’s name, her attractiveness and her poor command of English all convinced him she wasn’t the research assistant she claimed to be.

“She was CIA and affiliated with Turkish intel,” he said on Twitter.

In a post hours later he speculated on an “Obama WH/CIA/FBI” plot, saying “the ultimate goal was to overthrow Trump.”

Papadopoulos was in London at the behest of Stefan Halper, a Cambridge University professor who was also acting on behalf of the FBI to try to glean information from the Trump advisor.

The day after Ms. Turk tried to talk to him at the bar, she and Mr. Halper met together with him at what he told congressional investigators was “some diplomatic hangout” in London.

Their attempts failed to glean any useful information, but Papadopoulos said he sensed things were off. keep reading.


18 Comments on ‘The real scandal’: FBI informant report fuels Obama spying claims

  1. They tried everything they could to hinder, harass, and derail Trump’s run to the Presidency. THEY FAILED!

    It makes Tricky Dick a choir boy and John Dean an amateur.

    Should they be in jail? You betcha.

  2. Even the sycophantic Obama drones are beginning to realize that their object of worship is being exposed to the general public for the blatant criminal acts he committed while in office. Although he will likely never face the punishment he deserves history will deal him what he’s got coming.

  3. And this is the moment where everybody realized absolutely nothing was going to result from this. America’s first black president cannot and will not be connected with crime. It just won’t be allowed.

  4. Gee Wally, see whut happens when people are fooled by a fraud!

    Yeah Beave, it’s worse than getting money and BJs under the table!

    Gee Wally, see whut happens when people are fooled by democRATs?

  5. And the democrats and the MSM “Not us” spin loop continues to spin. If the FBI and the DOJ want to put this to rest they need to get the pressure washer out and “come clean”. But they too continue to spin their third world “you talking to me” krap from their swamp mire retreat in the backwaters of Washington.

  6. @grool May 3, 2019 at 6:29 am

    > And this is the moment where everybody realized absolutely nothing was going to result from this.

    Good. There’s too many stupid people in the world. Even a moment not acting stupid is progress.

    > America’s first black president cannot and will not be connected with crime.

    The matter is only a crime, if The Party chooses to call it a crime. This time. No matter the matter.

    > It just won’t be allowed.

    What is to be “allowed”? One of The Party’s shining stars — a no borders, transnational, we are the world — Cosmopolitan, en-titled manifold by The Party, did to his professional lessers what The Party (who, like La Cosa Nostra, has membership requirements) do to The Party’s enemies… his job. His very job description. Had he not shown his professional lessers “who’s boss” (even if this, particular, attack didn’t go off quite to plan), then… then, he would have committed “a matter”. The results may not have been as good as hoped. But they’re, to this year, still adequate.

    Maybe it’s time to stop grifting people (yourself, maybe?) that this was a “failure”, not a “feature”. The United States government is a foreign force occupying the American people. By design.

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